ORIGINS PROGENY by Diana Fedorak Tour
19 hours ago
NO SUMMARY INCLUDEDReview: I haven't included a summary. You are welcome to read one, but be aware that whatever summary you read will tell you everything there is to know about this book. It really made me mad. Even the back of the book gave everything away!
Read why below:
An invisible, uncrossable physical barrier encloses the Unified States. The Line is the part of the border that lopped off part of the country, dooming the inhabitants to an unknown fate when the enemy used a banned weapon. It’s said that bizarre creatures and superhumans live on the other side, in Away. Nobody except tough old Ms. Moore would ever live next to the Line.Review: This was a GREAT beginning to a book. But that's all it was: a beginning. This book was far too short. The next book in the series is called Away and comes out in 2011. I think that both books could have been easily merged into one book. As it was, I flipped the last page many times thinking "is this really the end?"
Nobody but Rachel and her mother, who went to live there after Rachel’s dad died in the last war. It’s a safe, quiet life. Until Rachel finds a mysterious recorded message that can only have come from Away. The voice is asking for help.
Who sent the message? Why is her mother so protective? And to what lengths is Rachel willing to go in order to do what she thinks is right?
A serial killer on the loose. A girl with a morbid ability. And the boy who would never let anything happen to her.Review: I was completely engrossed by this book. Completely. Couldn't put it down. Started it Thursday morning, finished it Thursday night. SO GOOD! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. There are little bits where you see through the killer's eyes and I got chills!
Violet Ambrose can find the dead. Or at least, those who have been murdered. She can sense the echoes they leave behind... and the imprints they leave on their killers. As if that weren't enough to deal with during junior year, she also has a sudden, inexplicable, and consuming crush on her best friend since childhood, Jay Heaton.
Now a serial killer has begun terrorizing Violet's small town... and she realizes she might be the only person who can stop him."
It happens in one night: a girl who died now walks among the living, Zil and the Human Crew set fire to Perdido Beach, and amid the flames and smoke, Sam sees the figure of the boy he fears the most - Drake. But Sam and Caine defeated him along with the Darkness - or so they thought. As Perdido Beach burns, battles rage: Astrid against the Town Council; the Human Crew versus the mutants; and Sam against Drake. And the prophetess Orsay and her companion, Nerezza, are preaching that death will set them all free. As life in the FAYZ becomes more desperate, no one knows who they can trustReview: Those of you who have read my reviews of the first two books in this series (see links above) know that I LOVE this series. They're so action packed and detailed! Often books this detailed get old fast. Not Grant's books. The detail sucks you in, makes you feel like you know the characters. You don't doubt the decisions they make because of course that's what they'd do. Pschaw.
No one else can see the evil fairies that rouse Tanya from her sleep, torturing her at the slightest mention of their existence, but they are as real to the 13-year-old as anything she's ever known. She cannot rid herself of them, nor can she ignore them. But it is her insistence on responding to them that has her banished to her grandmother's secluded countryside manor.Review: This was a really nice read. Sweet, easy story. My only problem is that it wasn't very... fantastical. The fairies almost seemed like a backstory. I wanted to see them more! C'mon! The 13 Treasures were hardly every discussed. The fairies were never there. And there were some pretty clear plot holes.
There is much to explore and even more to fear in the woods surrounding the estate. But, the forest isn't the only source of dark secrets, and Tanya soon finds herself entangled in a mystery that could trap her in the fairy realm forever