What are YOUR favorite 2012 YA releases?

Blah. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and so OF COURSE I come down with the worst cold ever. AND I realized that I'm behind in taking your best of 2012 votes! That's right, it's that time of year again! At the end of this year I'll post my favorite books that I reviewed in 2012. But before then, I want to hear from YOU!

PLEASE let me know your top 5 books that were released in 2012! If they haven't been released yet (but will still be released in 2012), you're welcome to list them as well. If you can't think of 5, you can list as few as 1, but you can't list more than five. Sorry!

I'm hoping to compile a list, and then use the most nominated titles for some Holiday-giveaway fun times!

Also, to one lucky nominator I'll give away a random prize pack of books and swag! You must be in the US to win the prize pack, but international peeps are more than welcome to list their favorite 2012 US releases (The Holiday giveaway WILL be open internationally, just not this one). Prize pack will have 2-3 books/ARCs and some swag.

Sound good? These nominations will be open until December 15th and I'll put the list together that weekend, and get the BIG holiday giveaway started on the 17th! That'll be after finals, and I should have my brain together.

Fill out the form below, or click here! Be sure your nominations have been/will be released in 2012! And don't just list books you want to own, list your FAVORITES. Remember that 2012 started 11 months ago. People have  a tendency to list only books released in the last 2-3 months.

Curious in seeing the list that Squeakers (that's you!) made last year? CLICK HERE to see it!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. So many great novels this year. I hope 2013 is just as good.

  2. Ahh! After I submitted my votes, I thought of a few more I should have considered. Too overzealous with the clickies! But perhaps that way is better.


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