Incarnate Theatre Treasure Hunt Activity!

So I didn't keep it a secret how much I LOVED Incarnate by Jodi Meadows, but now I'm going to shout it to the world!

Welcome to the INCARNATE Theater Treasure Hunt!

This week, 48 bloggers are celebrating the release of Incarnate by Jodi Meadows by participating in a treasure hunt with clues, activities, and lots of prizes including signed books and handknit fingerless mitts. You've reached an ACTIVITY blog, which means on this page, you can gain extra entries for Jodi's grand prize drawing by completing my activity and filling out the accompanying form. Then head to the next activity for more Incarnate fun! There are over twenty Incarnate activities around. The more you do, the better your chances of winning the grand prize.

For more information on the INCARNATE Theater Treasure Hunt, check out Jodi's post. The Grand Prize gets you: A signed, annotated hardcover of INCARNATE; handknit fingerless mittens; a first-edition hardcover of one of my favorite books; a (possibly dead) character named after you in Incarnate 3 (spelling adjusted for worldbuilding); a handful of INCARNATE stickers.
Two runners up will get: A signed hardcover of INCARNATE; handknit fingerless mittens; a handful of INCARNATE stickers.

My activity is similar to the "guess the cover" contests I do, but in this case there's a butterfly theme! I found 12 covers that have butterflies on them (most are YA, by the way). I'll show you the entire cover, with the title and author blurred, and you just need to tell me the title! Each one you get right will give you an entry into the GRAND PRIZE giveaway!

But I'm also doing a separate giveaway of a finished copy of INCARNATE. If you get AT LEAST TEN (10) of the covers correct you will be entered to win a copy of Incarnate just from me. Cool beans, eh? OPEN INTERNATIONAL!

All right, so here are your covers. You can fill out the form here or below the image. And below the form are some links to MORE activity bloggers! Good luck!

Other Activity Bloggers:
(Go to their blogs to get even MORE links!)

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. I think I was able to get 11 correct. One really stumped me and I've spent enough time trying to find it! Great cover challenge!

  2. Gah! I think I pressed enter before I was done! I did finish and resend, so hopefully you can count my second entry!

    Jacinda - which one were you stumped on?


    That was hard. But tons of fun. I was missing 4 in the end -- so I didn't hit 10 -- but oh well :) Thanks for the game!


  4. Are all of these US covers? I have spent hours searching through Goodreads for the last 4, then realized I wouldn't be able to see alternative covers without actually going in to look at each single book..

  5. So far as I am aware, they are all US covers. There may be one or two where they are actually the paperback versions, though. Which could make things trickier.

  6. One of these had a different cover when it first showed up in my search results, but had the right one as a different edition. I've found everyone but one though, so I guess I just need to keep searching for the last one:)

  7. I din't found two covers but it was fun. Thank you for the giveaway!

  8. Hee hee! I knew half of them on first glance. That's new for me. I might have a shot at this one. *rubs hands together*

  9. I am almost embarrassed at the amount of time I spent on this, trying to find the four I was missing. LOL


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