**Prized-- Caragh M O'Brien

Release Date: November 8th, 2011
Genre:  Dystopia, Romance
Publisher: Roaring Brook
Pages: 368
Amazon Link*: Click here
Goodreads Page: Click here
Striking out into the wasteland with nothing but her baby sister, a handful of supplies, and a rumor to guide her, sixteen-year-old midwife Gaia Stone survives only to be captured by the people of Sylum, a dystopian society where women rule the men who drastically outnumber them, and a kiss is a crime. In order to see her sister again, Gaia must submit to their strict social code, but how can she deny her sense of justice, her curiosity, and everything in her heart that makes her whole?

Review: I LOVED Birthmarked, and so I had incredibly high hopes for this book. I'm happy to say that I LOVED this book as well, but for different reasons.

Once again, in Prized we are thrown into a dystopian society. And once again, Caragh is BRILLIANT at creating mind games. In the first book I couldn't help doubting whether or not what the Enclave was doing was BAD. WHAT they were doing was good, but HOW they were doing it was bad. It really messed with my mind, but I always believed in Gaia's cause.

In this book we really get to see into Gaia's mind. And while reading I was so deep in her mind that the changes she went through were so subtle that I didn't even know they were happening until it was too late. She HERSELF was beginning to believe that everything was all right in the world, which made ME believe everything was right, even though it clearly wasn't! THE BOOK BRAINWASHED ME! How cool is that?!

There was some SERIOUS sequel-phase going on in this book. However... it was good. Really good. Awesome good. I don't know if I've EVER thought that sequel-phase was a good thing before, but it was amazing here. Because the two love interests split up, you really got to analyze their relationship. Did they ever love each other in the first place? How well do they know each other? Maybe they AREN'T meant to be.

If you want a book that will make you THINK, have you on the EDGE OF YOUR SEAT, and make you want to be A BETTER PERSON. Then this is the book for you.

Absolutely brilliant.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011

*I am an amazon affiliate. If you purchase this book using my link, I will get a tiny fraction of the purchase, which goes toward contests.

1 comment:

  1. This review makes me exceedingly happy :) This is the book I've been waiting to read the most, so I'm very glad to hear it reached your expectations! So stoked for this book!!


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