Blogoversary Results & Winners!

Hello peeps! I'm home, and it's time to announce the results and winners of my blogoversary contest. You can see the original post and images here. But now, answers! I'll let you know the covers in the order they were listed in the contest, and then let you know how many people got them right.

#1 Dark Inside
55% of people got this right, and no one got it wrong. Either you guess and got it right, or you left it blank.

#2 Incarnate
90% of people got this right. Impressive! It does have a very memorable (and BEAUTIFUL) cover, doesn't it?

#3 Forest Born
58% of people got this one right, which really surprised me. With all my Shannon Hale stalker-ness and crazy fandom, I thought EVERYONE would know this. I have failed you all. Did the "not yet released" clue throw people off? Because technically, this specific book isn't released yet.

#4 Tris & Izzie
This is the one that people got right the most. 94% of you got it. Great job! I even tried to pick a really unremarkable part of the cover.

#5 Midnight in Austenland
Only 32% of people got this one. I don't blame you. I haven't mentioned it on the blog, and it is technically an adult book. But it's Shannon Hale, so OF COURSE I had to include it.

#6 Isle of Blood
42% of people got this right. This series isn't uber-popular, but I really liked the first book. There aren't many horror books I can read, but when I can read them, I usually like them.

#7 Prized
 68% Got this right. Birthmarked was one of my favorite books of 2010. I can't WAIT for this one!

#8 Dust & Decay
Zombies FTW! 42% got this right. I'm SOOOOO excited to read this.

#9 The Death Cure
Only 39% got this right. Many people got it confused with A Million Suns by Beth Revis, or Ascend by Amanda Hocking. I can see that. But it's THIS book that I'm the most excited about.

#10 Enshadowed
I was so very proud of this one. The little clip I took is just of the pendant she's wearing. Can you see it? Just above the L in Kelly. I was very satisfied. This was the one that people got the least. Only 29% got this. Tee hee. I'm so clever.

#11 The Pledge
 I'm only so-so when it comes to Derting's Body Finder series, but I love me some dystopia. So I'm excited for it. 58% got this right.

#12 The Fox Inheritance
 Remember how I recently gushed over how much I loved the first book in this series? So of course this is on my list of books I want to own! 87% got this right!

#13 Everneath
 Many people thought this was Anna Dressed in Blood which I guess I can understand, but this cover is GORGEOUS! It may be the prettiest cover I've seen all year. AND it's by a local author. I can't wait. 61% got this right.

#14 Drink, Slay, Love
 I LURV me some Sarah Beth Durst. She's never failed to amaze me. 74% got this one.

#15 A Monster Calls
 This one was pretty widely missed as well. Some people thought it was Wolfsbane, and Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. You either love Patrick Ness, you hate him, or you've never heard of him. At least, that's my experience. 39% got this right.

#16 Daughter of Smoke and BoneI had a chance to read this book a few weeks ago and ADORED it. It's in the running for my favorite book of 2011. It's got some crazy stuff in it, but I LOVED it. 52% got this one right.

But NOW you want to know winners, eh? All right. First off, there were only FOUR people who got ALL of the books right, and they are:


The time difference between the first person to get it right and the second was only NINE minutes. So close! But the winner is...


And the randomly selected winner (who only missed one, BTW) is...

Marg @ Clockwork Reverie

Both of them get their choice of any book from under $13.

Thanks to everyone who answered. This was fun for me, I hope it was fun for you!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. Awesome, it definitely was a blast!! I had a rough time with a few of those. Did you need me to email you?

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  2. Ah! I can't believe I didn't get 15 and 16! I have both of those books...


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