Rick Yancey & The Monstrumologist

While my main love is YA fantasy, it isn't my only love. I also have a soft spot in my heart for horror (is it weird to have a soft spot for horror? Should it be a hard spot?). Today I am pleased to feature Rick Yancey, author of The Monstrumologist series. Check out the interview and giveaway!

**EDIT: I just discovered some disturbing news. Rick Yancey has been told by Simon & Schuster that they will not be renewing his contract and the final Monstrumologist book will not be published (at least, not by them). This is so sad! If you want the full story, check it out by clicking here. There's currently a fan-driven write-in campaign going on to give the series the ending it deserves. I hope it works.

**EDIT #2: I'm really behind on news, aparently. S&S announced that they WILL be publishing the last Monstrumologist book! So this story has a happy ending! Hurrah!

If you could spend your birthday in any place (real or fictional) where would it be?

Either a tropical island or a spaceship. I am enamored of both.

How do you celebrate a book “birthday”? Do you have release parties? Any traditions?

The celebrations have shrunk over the years. First few books: big dinners, a night out. At this point it's like, "Hey, didn't my book come out last week?"

If you were to describe your writing process in three words, what would they be?

Sweat. Bleed. Repeat.

If you could have any one super-power for a day, which would you choose?

The ability to answer questions like: "How can we be so stupid?"

What’s the craziest/funniest/strangest thing someone has said to you after reading The Monstrumologist?

"I want to be a monstrumologist."

Does horror come naturally to you? Have you ever been scared/disturbed by something you wrote?

No, it does not come naturally and, yes, it does. It isn't like I go around in my day-to-day life thinking gross, scary things. Then I sit down to write and they come - in droves. I never really get scared writing. Sometimes afterwards, if I've ignored my better instincts and written too late into the night.

One of my favorite things about The Monstrumologist is the way you subtly weave actual history into the novel. What prompted this? And do you continue to do it through the whole series?

A writer's chief job is to create a world that feels real to the reader. So if my story is set in the past, I want that past to be accurate - or as accurate as I can make it.

Mad lib time! Rick's answers were charmingly creepy. It's actually kind of hard to tell which words he changed...
As he strangled, the doctor tapped thin strips of corpse from the forceps into the metal tray, wicked and oozing, like half-cured jerky, a piece of white child clinging to one or two of the strands, and I realized he wasn’t peeling off pieces of the monster’s worm: the worm belonged to the boil and fiend of the girl.
*mad-lib idea was inspired by Alysa at Everead!

Thanks, Rick!


This giveaway is hosted by Inspired Kathy of I am a Reader not a Writer! Kathy one of last year's hosts and I'm so glad she's back again! You can win a copy of The Monstrumologist if you head on over to her blog.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. I've heard so much about this series lately! Can't wait to read it! :)

  2. I love that he sometimes gets scared if he writes too late at night. That would totally be me if I tried to write horror. I've been meaning to read this series. I must get on it!

  3. interesting interview. a birthday on a spaceship theres a thought! lol. the book sounds great

  4. I enjoyed the interview! I would love to read this! It sounds like a book I would enjoy!

  5. Never heard of the series before but since it's my favorite genre, I'll be checking it out.

  6. With the writing process, totally agree with the "repeat" ;-D

    Love the that history is incorporated in this story.

  7. "Sweat. Bleed. Repeat."

    I feel like I need to market a shampoo line for writers with that slogan...

  8. I'm not usually into horror, but this book does sound interesting as does the interview, so I'd like to give this book a try.

  9. I really like your super power. I would be using it everyday for sure!

    I also have a love for horror, so I don't think that is weird at all!


  10. I agree with Meredith. That fact that he gets scared if he writes to late at night is great. That sounds like something I would do. :)

  11. It does sound interesting. I would love to read it.

  12. I enjoyed the interview. This series does look good, I will definitely check into the books and author.


  13. Horror with a side of History, sounds intriguing. Sounds like it would be a great read.

  14. Great interview! I've heard nothing but good things about this book and I am really looking forward to reading it! Thanks again for the interview!

  15. I'd never heard of this book, but now it's on my MUST READ list.

  16. Loved the interview! I'm so glad we got his series back :)

  17. Oh my goodness, I'm so happy they're publishing the final book. Great interview!

  18. I don't really read horrors, but I like your reviews and I might try this one out. I'll just have to read it when my husband will be home. ;)

  19. I heard about the shenanigans on Bookshelves of Doom. Glad to hear the publishers are seeing it through!

  20. I've been meaning to read this for awhile and keep forgetting--thanks for the reminder!

  21. "Sweat. Bleed. Repeat."
    has to be a good book after all this

    amhengst at verizon dot net

  22. I have heard so much about this series, I am very curious to read the books.
    Great interview.

  23. This series looks wonderful, I was so excited to hear tht they aren't canceling it after all! Great interview!

  24. I really want to read this series it sounds really good!

  25. This sounds like a great series! Hope I win :]

  26. This series sounds so interesting. I find I too have a soft/hard spot for horror. I will have to keep an eye out for this book!

  27. I'm so happy to have found another clean teen book blog. Yea! Check out my blog full of clean YA book reviews.
    Clean Teen Fiction

  28. hmmm I'm not sure if my link worked. sorry. http://cleanteenfiction.blogspot.com

  29. Sounds creepy! Like the Goosebumps series I read when I was younger ;)

  30. Sounds like my kind of books - can't wait to read them!

  31. He sounds like a very down to earth kind of guy! Like an author who is normal

  32. I love when the interviews the personality of the author comes through. Thanks for the giveaway chance.

  33. These books sound great! I can't wait to read them. Thanks for the great interview!

  34. The more stuff I read about Rick Yancey the more I'm excited to get my hands on his series. I loved the mad libs part of his interview!

  35. Wow this sounds good!

  36. wow this book looks amazing! and YAY for edit #2! you had me worried there for a sec!

    kelsey d

  37. What a fun interview! And I've got a "soft spot" for horror, too. It must be soft because I keep caving in! Looking forward to reading Rick's books.

    geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com

  38. I've never thought about a horror writer getting scared about what he wrote! But now that I think about it, I'd be terrified, since it'd be my fears, coming out of my own mind. :o Great interview!

  39. I really want to read this series it sounds really good!

  40. What a cute interview! Rick must be so much fun to talk to. He has such interesting and fun answers.

    I haven't read The Monstrumologist yet, but I have read Curse of the Wendigo, and loved it. I can't wait to get the first book so I can see where this adventure started. :)

    Great interview!

  41. I have been meaning to read this series! I'm sad though that the publisher dropped them. It seems like a really good series.

  42. Heard a lot about this series :) Sounds great and nice interview!

  43. Thank you for sharing with us today and for the wonderful giveaway opportunity. I have finely found a unique answer to what superpower would you want and think I will steal it LOL

  44. I'm glad they didn't scrap the series. *High fives* all the fans. What an inspiring story. Writing is solitary, but it's rewards are great, especially shown by the fans of the series.

    I'd love to win, but I'll buy it if I don't to show support. I can't believe they were going to scrap a series reviewed as genius.

  45. I enjoyed this interview! Thank you! I would love to read this series!

  46. great book giveaway just in time for Halloween


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