In My Mailbox: A Big Mistake

Hooked, by Catherine Greenman (Goodreads | Amazon)
Slayers, by C.J. Hill (Goodreads | Amazon)
Haunting Violet, by Alyxandra Harvey (Goodreads | Amazon)
Prized, by Caragh O'Brien (Goodreads | Amazon)
Carrier of the Mark, by Leigh Fallon (Goodreads | Amazon)
The Fox Inheritance, by Mary Pearson (Goodreads | Amazon)
Glow, by Amy Kathleen Ryan (Goodreads | Amazon)
Dark Eden, by Patrick Carman (Goodreads | Amazon)
Guardian of the Gate, by Michelle Zink (Goodreads | Amazon)
Jellicoe Road, by Melina Marchetta (Goodreads | Amazon)
Factotum, by D.M. Cornish (Goodreads | Amazon)
The Exiled Queen, by Cinda Williams Chima (Goodreads | Amazon)
Forever, by Maggie Stiefvater (Goodreads | Amazon)
Supernaturally, by Kiersten White (Goodreads | Amazon)
Threads and Flames, by Esther Friesner (Goodreads | Amazon)
Entwined, by Heather Dixon (Goodreads | Amazon)

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. I got Prized this week, I was so excited about it! Hope you enjoy it :)

  2. Wow! You got a lot this week! Hope you enjoy all those books! Happy Reading!

    My IMM will go up tomorrow! Be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. So . . . you get a lot of books. Do you keep them all? I tend to only keep my absolute favorite ones or ones I want to read again (or read for the first time).

  4. Heather,

    I keep the majority of them. However, many of the ARCs I recieve are not mine to keep, just borrow. If I didn't like the book or don't want to keep it then I'll either trade with someone else, donate to my library, or throw them away (some ARCs I recieve are non-transferable. I can keep them or throw them away, but not give them away). Naturally, all the books that I purchase I keep. I have somewhere around 500 books in my personal collection. Most are books that I LOVE, books that I got signed, or books I haven't read yet. But there are a few books that I just feel so-so on. 

    So... There you go. 

  5. What a tease! And I love the music!!

  6. Love the backround music:) You got some great reads this week-- hope you enjoy!

  7. You and I have identical music taste. I swear, it's like I have a musical twin.

    <3 G.C.

  8. Wow! Are you gonna be busy or what?!?!? Awesome books you have there. I can't wait for Supernaturally!!

    bchild5 at aol dot com

  9. Great mailbox this week or should I say the past two months. I can't wait to see your reviews on several of those titles. Happy reading and thanks for the birthday teaser.

  10. Yay Jellicoe Road! Love that book, hope you enjoy reading it. :)


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