Got Books? Event Giveaway!

Howdy peeps! Have you heard of the Got Books? Event? Basically, 108 blogs are holding a giveaway from the 23rd to the 24th! Including me! To see a list of all the blogs participating, click here.

This is just gonna be a little giveaway, since I have something stewing for my birthday. Ends 7/24 at 11:59pm. Winner will be announced on 7/26

What can you win? WEREling by Steve Feasey. Here's a GoodReads summary:
Fourteen-year-old Trey Laporte is not a kid anymore. Not after the day he wakes up in agony—retina-splitting, vomit-inducing agony. His clothes are torn. His room is trashed.
Enter Lucien Charron, the mysterious, long-lost “uncle” with freakish fire-flecked eyes and skin that blisters in the sun. Suddenly, Trey finds himself living in a luxury penthouse at the heart of a strange and sinister empire built on the powers of the Netherworld—vampires, demons, sorcerers, and djinn.
And there is a girl—Alexa Charron—who is half vampire, half human, and insanely pretty, with powers all of her own. Trey is falling for her.
Trey is training night and day to control the newly discovered power lurking inside him. Now, demons are closing in on every side, and the most psychopathic bloodsucker to rock the Netherworld wants to destroy him. Above all, he must face one terrifying question: Is he a boy . . . or is he a beast?
Fill out the form to enter! open to US residents only.


  1. Awesome event! Thank you for the contest :)

  2. WEREling sounds like a really interesting book. Thanks for an awesome contest. :)

  3. Great job on the post...that book is suppose to be REALLY good too! Thanks for helping to spread the bookish love...happy reading!

  4. Fabulous giveaway! Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  5. Just stopping by to say HI and hope you're having a fun time blog hopping. Thanks for the giveaway and have a great weekend! :)


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