New Blog Look

Okay, so I re-did my blog look again. Please vote in the poll. Is it better? No? Questions? Comments? Concerns?

EDIT: Is there still stuff that's hard to read? What? I tried to fix some of the colors. Also, I can't fix the text below the poll, that's stuck that way.

Are there any clashing colors? My goal was to make my blog more colorful while still making it seem a little classy (too much color makes my eyes bug out!).

If you have ANY suggestions, please give them.


  1. I'm not voting because I do like it, but I think the other was better. This is harder to read. I use Reader, so it's not like it matters, but...

  2. I think it looks really cool. I guess Anilee has a point, but it's not like it's totally difficult to read or anything.

  3. It reminds me of The Adoration of Jenna Fox. :) But I like it.

  4. I really like it. reminds me of The Adoration of Jenna Fox as well.

  5. Hm... I wasn't going for Jenna fox. I just wanted to tie in my love for butterflies.

    ... I might switch up the colors.

  6. Hmmm... I really like the concept (butterfly behind, etc.) but not the overall effect. The first feeling it gives me is weird, and then it gets better but right now I'm just sure... :)

  7. I like it, but maybe a little bit less than the first one. They're both nice, though. :)

  8. I think it's better now. It's easier to read, but I still think I like the other one better overall. Unless...did the other one have the line down the middle? I can't remember. That's what's annoying me and it kind of distracts me from the rest of the layout, which I really do like.


  9. I liked the flower one, but this one works, too.


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