How badly do you hate Captcha?

I've been getting a TON of spam comments since I took off captcha. Now, it's worth it to me if y'all really hate captcha. But... let me know how much you hate it, please. If don't want me to turn it back on, I won't. If you don't care, I'm bringing it back.

Seriously. I will do whatever you tell me.

(Also, I've had a really crazy last few weeks since school got out, but I've got a lot of stuff scheduled for next week and the weeks following. So FOR REAL, I'm coming back in full force soon.)

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. I really hate captcha but I'm not always the best commenter anyway...something I'm constantly trying to work on.

  2. I hate spam more than CAPTCHA.

  3. I don't comment often at all, but I'd really advise against putting CAPTCHA back on. Do comment moderation instead.

    1. I would, except I don't get online as often now because of work and school. And comments could just sit in my moderation pile for a LOOOONG time.

  4. What happens if you get rid of anonymous commenting and limit to to those with OpenID or only with Google accounts? Would that possibly cut down on some of the spam? Also, if you get spam on older posts but not necessarily newer ones, you could set comment moderation for older posts. I think you can also mark comments as spam, which might help Blogger learn what sort of comments should be flagged.

    CAPTCHA is annoying, but it's bearable. It's never stopped me from posting a comment?

    1. I would, but a lot of my friends and family don't have blogger accounts. Most of the anonymous comments are from them. I would hate to shut them out.

  5. Hate it! So annoying! After typing the stupid letters and numbers a couple times, I don't want to leave my comment.

  6. I personally don't mind captcha. And I like having anonymous comments enabled (obviously ha ha) since not everyone has one of the accounts listed.

  7. Switch to WordPress and then they have spam filtering that eliminates the need for CAPTCHA or comment moderation . . .

    I don't mind CAPTCHA, but this is one of the reasons I am so happy I use WordPress instead of Blogger.

    1. I could never leave blogger. Call me a loyalist! Or... call me adverse to change. :P

  8. I hate captcha. You could just try putting Disqus on the blog instead of the normal commenting system. It's what I use. The spam messages never show and no captcha involved.

  9. We dislike captcha, but we feel your pain. If you need to put it back on, it won't stop us from commenting.

    That said, we don't use captcha, and we allow anonymous comments, and we find that Blogger does a pretty good job of filtering out the legit from the spam, so we rarely have to rescue comments from moderation or the spam folder.

    1. I have to manually filter out about 20 a week.

  10. Lol.. everyone hate Captcha, but no one stop commenting. I like it but when it is in numeric

  11. Captcha doesn't bother me at all.


Thank you so much for commenting! I read each and every one.

Please be aware that any comments under an "anonymous" user are subject to deletion, as well as cruel or unnecessarily rude comments (because sometimes it's necessary to be rude.*wink*). Comments on posts older than 2 weeks are also moderated, and may take a few days to appear.

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