Books with Maps

I have to admit that I have a weakspot when it comes to books with maps. I adore them. I love being able to see the world right there on the page! While reading Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo (which I am head-over-heels in love with, review soon!), I kept wishing that there was a map. The world was just so rich and intricate, I wanted to SEE it. I was about ready to draw my own map. Lo and behold! The final version DOES have a map! And it looks like this! Isn't it amazing?

click to embiggen

And then I decided that it needed color. And then I decided to make it my desktop background (which I haven't changed in THREE YEARS):

I've already got my finished copy of Shadow & Bone pre-ordered because I NEED one to go with my ARC. And don't worry, I'll definitely be giving away this book on the blog sometime. You can count on that.
What about y'all? How do you feel about books in maps? What are some great books that have maps?
Another favorite of mine is Book of a Thousand Days and all of the Bayern books (shocker!).

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. I think maps are VERY helpful. I'm not very good at translating words into spatial arrangements, so being able to refer to a map is always a plus for me. Once I see it, I can understand what the words are talking about.

  2. Big fat DITTO!! I love maps in books. It helps me so much! Plus, I like seeing the world that the author created. I also think an author has spent more time on developing their world when they have a map.

  3. I also love books with maps. I was so sad that The Hunger Games didn't have one. I also wanted Matched and, especially, Crossed to have one. It think it's fun to see what the authors see and think when they created their world.

  4. The Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima has maps. And I LOVE them!

  5. I like them! All of T.A. Barron's books have them -- I actually have them up as posters in my room. :D

  6. I'm a huge fan of maps. They make the book so much better! I love to see the world when I read a book and normally I just picture it in my head. But with the map I can actually see it which is AWESOME! I love the maps in the Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima. Especially since they literally travel all over their world, its really nice to see how all of the countries connect.

    All the best ♥
    Mackenzie @ Oh, For the Love of Books!

  7. I love books with maps, particularly fantasy books involving long journeys. The map helps me visualize the world and the journey better. I love that Kristin Cashore's books have maps.

  8. I wished more books had maps..I wanted it in the Selection , and Hunger Games. I enjoyed Shadow and Bone and yeah for maps

  9. My favorite book with a map is Eragon.

  10. The map itself doesn't say much to me, except for the fact that I know I'm likely to love any book that requires one - I'm a fantasy nut, and if you're world-building it really helps to have a map =P On the other hand, I think they make great artwork, and I would love to have a room dedicated to having maps from my favorite books on the walls someday.

  11. I LOVE this book too! I can't wait for it to be out in stores. I MUST OWN IT. :D

    I like when books have maps of the world the author's created. It's fun to imagine it all yourself but having a specific guide for it makes it even better.

  12. I'm terrible... But I very rarely pay attention to the maps. I'll glance at them in the beginning, but more often than not, I totally forget all about them.

    BUT, I'm happy to see you excited/gushing about this book! I have an ARC that just randomly showed up in my mailbox one day, so maybe I'll have to get one that, and get reading. :)

  13. I feel it doesn't even need to be said. I LOVE THEM! Seriously. 10+ points if a fantasy book (especially fantasy) has a map in it. I need to grab a copy of this book!

  14. Mixed reactions over here. Whether or not a book has a map doesn't affect our enjoyment of it, but the two fantasy readers in our group tend to love them, whereas the two who don't read a lot of fantasy are indifferent. Like, we only look at the map once we get to a point in the story where we need to understand where things are. Verses, the fantasy readers look at the map right away and love having it to reference throughout.

    By the way, if you love maps, you should definitely check out Kristin Cashore's books. All of them include maps, and maps play an important part in the most recent one, BITTERBLUE. We love the whole series!

  15. It depends. I usually need a map in a fantasy book, so that I can keep the landscape in my head. When I was reading my ARC of Shadow and Bone, I was like you -- I kept wishing there was a map so I could SEE the Fold. When I found the map on the author's website, I was thrilled.

    But I don't always look at included maps. It really depends on the story, and if I want to or need to flip to the map or not.

  16. I love it when books have maps! There are some books I wouldn't be able to follow without them (at least geographically speaking). LotR, I'm looking at you!

  17. Late to the party here . . .

    I wanted to mention my favorite book of all time "The Princess Bride" by William Goldman has a map. :) Whenever I think of book maps, my mind always flashes to this one because it was the first I ever saw.


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