The Long Walk-- Slavomir Rawicz

Release Date (this edition): 1997
Pages: 256
Genre: Non-fiction

In 1941, the author and a small group of fellow prisoners escaped a Soviet labor camp. Their march out of Siberia, through China, the Gobi Desert, Tibet, and over the Himalayas to British India is a remarkable statement about man's desire to be free. With a new Afterword by the author, and the author's Foreword to the Polish edition, this new edition of The Long Walk is destined to outrank its classic status.
Review: This is one of the VERY rare times I read a non-fiction book. I had to do it for my honors geography class, but I surprised myself by really enjoying it. This book is an inspiring tale that reads more like a novel than most non-fiction books (and it's because of this that many critics question it's validity, but I like to think it's a true account). It's very heart-warming and tragic at the same time. What these men went through is ASTOUNDING.

Your library probably has this. Look it up. It's great. Plus, it's coming out later this year as a movie directed by Peter Weir. The movie is titled The Way Back.


  1. Sounds like my kind of book. Now I just need to acquire a copy. Hmmmmm.

  2. This is the Kindle Daily Deal on Amazon today, happy to have run across your review :) Definitely sounds worth it.

    Especially since I'm trying to read more nonfiction this year.


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