I may not be the best blogger...

Now, I may not be the best blogger, but I am a rocking awesome student! I got 92% on my honors calculus test, 90% on my biology test, wrote two papers in the last two days, and (now this is the big one) my college is going to produce my play!!!!!!!! That's right! I'm actually going to be a produced playwright! How cool is that!?

Anyway. I am going to get back to blogging now that I've finished those two papers (they both had required books, so no time for fun-reading). I was supposed to have a review up a week ago... whoops. But it'll be up sometime tomorrow, I promise!

Thanks to y'all who are still sticking around. This'll be fun!

~Enna Isilee


  1. AWESOME wow you must be soo proud of yourself! GOOD FOR YOU!!! WOOT!

  2. You go girl!!!! I am so proud of you!!

  3. Congratulations!!!!

    (And I think you are a darn good blogger, too!)

  4. Congratulations! A playright! That's amazing!

  5. Congrats!

    That is beyond cool that you're having a play produced. So awesome! And yay for showing calculus what's what! I just took a test so now I'm wondering what I got. *cringe*

  6. Congratulations! That is something to be stoked about. What is your play about? How long is it? :)

  7. It's just a one-act, and it's about a crazy man who sees these two people (who represent an angel and a devil). He's thrown into solitary confinement, and it's about his misadventures there.

  8. Let's face it! You do everything well.


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