Trying My Hand

So, after discovering that you get paid $2,000 if your design gets printed on Threadless. $2,000! That's enough for my housing for a year! Woah! So I've created a few designs. Wanted to know what you guys think. They were just designs I was playing with and thought, "Hey, why not?"

There are three variations to this shirt:

And then there's this one:

What do you guys think? I think you can click and see them bigger.


  1. I LOVE the black butterfly one.

  2. The first one in black is SO cool!!!

  3. The butterfly in black is AWESOME.

  4. You're really good. I think you'll get that money. :)

  5. Cool. I like the second one best. :)

  6. I had NO idea you could get that much for threadless. DANG. And I agree about the black one. But perhaps if you had one of the strands be purple? Hmmm, just a thought... Keep it up though! That's way good.

  7. I like the butterfly ones. Very clean and pretty. The smoke one is kind of eerie...

  8. i loved them both but i loved the second one more!

  9. I like the black butterfly the best, and I love the second black one, too.

  10. I like the first one best. It's pretty and the design stands out the most.

  11. Yes, I really like your designs--please do some more! Also, I popped in to tell you I just gave you a Proximidade Award over at my site. Thanks for all your posts!


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