Thanks to Miss Erin, who tagged me!
Tell me about the book that has been on your shelf the longest...
Oh. Wow. I dunno. Some of these books just seem like they’ve been there forever. One book that isn’t actually on my shelf (it’s on my younger siblings’ shelf) is A Bargain for Francis. It’s one of my dearest and oldest friends.
Tell me about a book that reminds you of something specific in your life (i.e. a person, a place, a time, etc.)...
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Ya see, I didn’t have many “bookish” friends growing up. In fact, I only really had one, and we LOVED Harry Potter. I remember conversations that lasted HOURS after finishing tOotP. We thought of every possible conspiracy.
Tell me about a book you acquired in some interesting way (gift, serendipity in a used book store, prize, etc.)...
Oh… I’d have to say Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale. It was the first ARC I ever received, and it’s what inspired me to start Squeaky Books
Tell me about the most recent addition to your shelves...
Well…. I have three books currently en route from Amazon: Princess at the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George, Just One Wish by Janette Rallison, and Bloodhound by Tamora Peirce.
Tell me about a book that has been with you to the most places...
I’m actually EXTREMELY paranoid about taking my books ANYWHERE. I always check library books out and take them places rather than taking my own books anywhere. Heh. However, I did let my aunt borrow The Lost City of Faar, which she took to Europe.
Tell me about a bonus book that doesn't fit any of the above questions...
Well… I only own 2 nonfiction books: What’s Math Got to Do With it? By Jo Boaler. A FASCINATING book all about different mathematics teaching methods, and Freakonomics, which is just full of so many fun facts.
There you have it. A brief overview of my bookshelf.
I tag… Leigha, Nerd Goddess, and Priya