Fair is foul and foul is fair!

I'm currently reading Shakespeare's MacBeth which means I probably won't have any bookish posts until we're done reading it (it's for my literature class). I'm attempting to read another book at the same time as MacBeth, but that usually just confuses me. Like when I'm standing inbetween two conversations and I accidentally mix both of them together into a conversation that makes no sense.

Anyway. I'm gonna try and read while MacBeth-ing, wish me luck!

~Enna Isilee

Oh. Do we like rating systems? I thinking giving "squeaks" sounds kinda cute.

The Warrior Heir-- Cinda Williams Chima

The Warrior Heir is your typical fantasy book. A young man finds out he's special. I don't want to make it sound like it was lame, it wasn't. I would give it... 3.5 stars. Maybe I should have a rating system. Do you think I should have a rating system? Discuss.

This book had romance, good conquers evil, and adventure. It didn't "hold me on the edge of my seat" but it didn't put me to sleep either.
Bah. This feels like another one of those reviews where I just kind of dance around what I mean to say. But... I don't actually know what I mean to say, so I'm just gonna dance.

3.5 stars, or... squeaks? Hm... If I do have a rating system, what do I use? Discuss.
~Enna Isilee

I really AM a superhero!

Some of you who are members of LittleRedReadingHood.com know that I have an unofficial catch phrase: "I'm like a superhero!" I've programed my cell phone to tell me this every time I turn on my phone, and thanks to Gretchen now I really AM a superhero!

If you want to be a superhero, click here. I've always wanted to fly, I'm glad they allowed you to have wings. You can play with this for a while. So many combinations! Have fun, and happy heroing!

~Enna Isilee

*The Declaration-- Gemma Malley

It’s the year 2140 and Longevity drugs have all but eradicated old age. A never-aging society can’t sustain population growth, however…which means Anna should never have been born. Nor should any of the children she lives with at Grange Hall. These children are raised as servants, and brought up to believe they must atone for their very existence. Then one day a boy named Peter appears at the Hall, bringing with him news of the world outside, a place where people are starting to say that Longevity is bad, and that maybe people shouldn’t live forever. Peter begs Anna to escape with him, but Anna’s not sure who to trust: the strange new boy whose version of life sounds like a dangerous fairy tale, or the familiar walls of Grange Hall and the head mistress who has controlled her every waking thought?

I don't usually include a plot summary in my reivews, but I felt this one needed it. I'm naming this a semi-squeaky book, for, while it wasn't the most original idea, I really enjoyed it. I'm reaching a point in my life where I'm liking this type of sci-fi more and more.
This book was good, standard, sci-fi. The only part I didn't like about it was how badly the children were treated. I don't think there is any way an entire country would let children be treated like that, even at the cost of eternal life.
Brought forth a lot of very interesting ideas. This book really makes you think.
Oh, and I cried at the end.

~Enna Isilee

Nope. It's over.

I didn't make it. I'm waiting until my sadness turns to anger before I go face all the other people who were competing and didn't make it (I know a lot of them). I won't be able to joke about it if I'm still sad.

At first I was shocked, because I made the mistake of listening to people who love me tell me "Of course you'll get it. I think you'll win the State level" of course I would kind of brush it off like, whatever. But I really took it to heart, slowly, but surely. So when I found out I didn't make it it was that much harder.

I'm already feeling better though. I made it this far, that's something. It's not a lot, but it's something. I also feel like I had a lot of strikes against me. My high school was really small, and I never even had the chance to join a thespian troupe, and nearly all the finalists are in a troupe.

Uh-oh. I can feel my sadness turning to indifference. It's not allowed to do that! If my sadness turns to indifference then I almost always end up crying again, usually in front of people. I have to let my sadness turn to anger (not bitter anger at the judges or myself. Just a general anger to the competition. ;) ) and then it'll be gone for good.

I do feel a little angry, because it was very clear what they were looking for. However, I really want to talk to my judges and just ask them: why? Not because I want to say, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!?! YOU SHOULD HAVE PICKED ME!" But because I really want to know what I could improve on.

Sorry. I'm rambling. Don't feel like you have to read all this, I just needed to type it out.

~Enna Isilee

It's over... or is it?

Well, I'm back from my interview. I think it went okay. My monologue was good, but I really screwed up a lot of my interview questions, but I acknowledged my screwy-up ness and made the judges laugh a lot.

So... I just keep calling this a "Prestigious Acting Scholarship" and that makes me sound really snooty, so let me explain:

Round 1: Any student in Utah can apply to be chosen for this scholarship.
-------Only 52 are then chosen
Round 2: The 52 chosen are interviewed by judges and required to perform a 2-3 minute monologue (this is what I did today.)
-------Those 52 are whittled down to 15
Round 3: Those 15 are interviewed again on March 4th.
-------1 One is chosen.
Round 4: You are awarded scholarship.

The results of the top 15 will be posted tonight at midnight, but I probably won't check until I wake up in the morning, or I'll never be able to go to sleep. And I'm a student, I need sleep. I'll probably have to take some melatonin just to get myself to fall asleep at all. Eeps!

~Enna Isilee

Bonne Chance, sil vous plaît!

Eeps. Today, at precisely 3:00, I will be interviewed for a very prestigious acting scholarship. I will be faced by judges who are experts in the field, and they will ask me questions and then watch me perform a 3 minute monologue.

I'm terrified. Please send your positive energy my way!

~Enna Isilee

The Joys of Being a Recluse

This Wednesday I have to audition for a very prestigious acting scholarship. The audition consists of an interview and a 2-3 minute performance. I'll be competing against the best actors and actresses in the state. Eeps! I'm nervous.

But I found a killer monologue to do. It's Emily Dickinson talking about how much she enjoys being a recluse. It's from a play called The Belle of Amherst. I decided to post it here, just in case any of you are curious:


The Belle of Amherst:

Forgive me if I’m frightened. I never see strangers and hardly know what I say. My sister, Lavinia—she’s younger than I—she says I tend to wander back and forth in time. So you must bear with me. I was born December tenth, eighteen thirty, which makes me… fifty three?

Welcome to Amherst. My name is Emily Elizabeth Dickinson. Elizabeth is for my Aunt Elisabeth Currier. She’s Father’s sister. Oh, how the trees stand up straight when they hear Aunt Libbie’s little boots come thumping into Amherst! She’s the only male relative on the female side.

Dear aunt Libbie.

But I don’t use my middle name anymore—since I became a poet.

Professor Higginson, the literary critic, doesn’t think my poems are… no matter. I’ve had seven poems published—anonymously, to be sure. So you see why I prefer to introduce myself to you as a poet.

Here in Amherst, I’m known as Squire Edward Dickinson’s half-cracked daughter. Well… I am! The neighbors can’t figure me out. I don’t cross my father’s ground to any house or town. I haven’t left the house for years.

The Soul selects her own Society—
Then—shuts the Door.

(EMILY turns to the window)

Why should I socialize with village gossips? There goes one of them now—Henrietta Sweetser—everyone knows Henny. She’d even intimidate the anti-Christ. Look at her! She’s strolling by the house, trying to catch a glimpse of me. Would you like that?

So I give them something to talk about. I dress in white all year round, even in winter. “Bridal white,” Henny calls it.

(Mimicking gossips)

“Dear, dear! Dresses in bridal white, she does, every day of the blessed year. Year in, year out. Disappointed in love as a girl, so I hear. Poor creature. All so very sad. And her sister, Lavinia, a spinster too. Didn’t you know? Oh, yes. Stayed unmarried just to be at home and take care of Miss Emily. Two old maids in that big house. What a lonely life, to shut yourself away from good people like us.”


You should see them come to the door, bearing gifts, craning their necks, trying to see over Vinnie’s shoulder. But I’m too fast for them. I’ve already run upstairs two steps at a tame. And I hide there until they leave. You can imagine what they make of that!

One old lady came to the door the other day to get a peek inside. I surprised her by answering the door myself. She stammered something about looking for a house to buy.


To spare the expense of moving, I directed her to the cemetery.


Tee hee. I'm excited, but nervous!

~Enna Isilee

**Envy-- Anna Godbersen

Muahahaha! Happy Friday the 13th. We'll get two this year since it falls in the February/March anomaly.

I thought Friday, February 13th would be the perfect time to review this book since it is both unlucky, and very close to the most love-filled (or lonely) day of the year.
*sigh* What can be said of this series that I haven't said before. Envy was just as much of a rollercoaster as Rumors or The Luxe, but I still love them. Oh wow do I love them. I bugged the librarian for over a week asking: "Is it in yet? Do you have it? PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! I HAVE TO HAVE IT!"

For those of you who have never heard of The Luxe I strongly suggest looking into the series. But that suggestion comes with a warning:
These books are lusty, scandalous, there's very few happy moments, and for some odd reason I still love them, even though they frustrate me like no other books! I call them my guiltly pleasure books, and I can't think of a more accuarate way to describe them.

*happy (and yet, slightly befuddled) sigh*
~Enna Isilee

*Graceling-- Kristin Cashore

This book was delightful fantasy. I found it completely original and fascinating. I loved the characters, I loved the story, and I loved the adventure. I was wrapped up completely. Completely.

However, I am naming it only a "semi-squeaky book" for two reasons:

1. I felt that the story was a little lost. I recognize that the characters themselves felt lost throughout the book, but it just didn't feel as strong as it could be.

2. The main character, Katsa, doesn't like the idea of marriage. I really hoped that she'd come around to the idea... but she didn't. I'm not sure what I think of that. It wasn't bad, just... not what I expected. I know that some people really think that, and that's fine. I fully respect everyone's opinion to have an opinion. My opinion, however, did not fit Katsa's.

That's it. Other than that it was a wonderful book. I loved the idea of the graces. Fascinating. Completely.
~Enna Isilee

**Magic Study-- Maria V. Snyder

Yelena's adventures continue. After she's gone through some pretty crazy stuff (Including being a poison tester for the Commander of Ixia) she's now on her way to her foreign homeland to learn magic and find out who she was, and is. But, she'll soon discover that she's not completely welcome... dun dun dun!

I really like this series. It has romance, intrigue, betrayal, magic, all the things that make up a fabulous tale. Yelena's character pulls me in by my heartstrings. There were some times I wanted to kick the characters, and other times I wanted to kiss them.

An absolutely delightful series. However, due to some of the mature themes and slight language, I would not recommend this book to anyone under the age of 15, maybe a mature 13 or 14 year-old. Maybe. I wouldn't let my hypothetical 13-year-old read it, and I love it.

~Enna Isilee
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