Another play, another monologue!

Yay! I'm trying out for another play. I'm super-excited, but super-scared, because I'm not sure how well I'll fit in this one. There may not be a part for me. I'm not going to tell you what the play is yet, but I will post my monologue that I'm using for my audition:

The Possessed
by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

VARVARA: Stay, hold your tongue, don’t be in a hurry! You’re a sensible girl, and there must be no mistakes in your life. Now … though you will have the money under my will, yet when I die, what will become of you, even if you have money? You’ll be deceived and robbed of your money, you’ll be lost, in fact. But married to him you’re the wife of a distinguished man. Look at him, on the other hand. Though I’ve provided for him, if I die what will become of him? But I could trust him to you. Stay, I’ve not finished. He’s frivolous, shilly-shally, cruel, egotistic, he has low habits. But mind you think highly of him, in the first play because there are many worse. I don’t want to get you off my hands by marrying you to a rascal, you don’t imagine anything of that sort, do you? He’s an old man, but you know, that’s all the better for you. You understand me, don’t you? Do you understand me? He will complain of you, he’ll begin to say things against you behind your back, he’ll whisper things against you to any stray person he meets, he’ll be forever whining and whining; he’ll write you letters from one room to another, two a day, but he won’t be able to get on without you all the same, and that’s the chief thing.

Tada! Wish me luck. I audition on Tuesday, and find out if I made callbacks Thursday, and then find out if I made the play Friday!


  1. YOU'LL BE FABULOUS! I just know it. Hey: how come "" (without the blogspot) doesn't work anymore??? What gives?

  2. BREAK A LEG! and post every single minute detail about everything!! :D

  3. You'll be great! You'll be swell! Everything is coming up roses no matter what!


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