Top 10 of '13

I may have only read 46 books in 2013, but that isn't going to stop me from making a top 10 list! No sir-ee! So here we go, my top 10 books of 2013:

#10 Mind Games, by Kiersten White
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This book was short and sweet, like a TV episode vs a movie. And it was a delightful read. I am still eagerly awaiting the sequel.

#9 The Looking Glass Wars, by Frank Beddor
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I know I'm late to the party when it comes to this series, but I still really enjoyed it! Beddor has a great way with wordplay and storytelling.

#8 The Fury, by Alexander Gordon Smith
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I still have nightmares about this one, guys. Even though it was HUGE, and I'm still not entirely sure what happened, I remember whipping through this book like it was a race. I almost literally devoured it. Almost. ;)

#7 Ever After High, by Shannon Hale
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I might have surprised myself with how much I liked this book. I just... I just really liked it! It made me feel happy!
#6 What's Left of Me, by Kat Zhang
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I really admired this book for how many things it got me to think about, and I'm talking deep things. Although I feel like the plot got a little fuzzy/boring in book #2, I still think this book is AWESOME, and I can't wait for book #3.
#5 The 5th Wave, Rick Yancey
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THIS is aliens done right. It's been almost a year since I read this, and I can STILL clearly recall some of the story elements, as well as the emotions I felt while reading. LOVED IT! And the sequel cannot come out soon enough!
#4 Asunder, by Jodi Meadows
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AH! I still love this series. I absolutely cannot wait for the third book to come out (less than a month away!!!), and I still think Jodi is a master storycrafter. How does she manage to fit all those awesome plot elements into ONE BOOK?!
#3 Transparent, by Natalie Whipple
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Okay, I technically read this in 2012, but so late in the year that I'm counting it as 2013. This book was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO awesome. Like... I think I need to re-read it. Right now. See ya later. (Psst. Read review for more coherent explanations of awesome-ness)
#2 Pivot Point, by Kasie West
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This book BLEW MY MIND. It was a tough call to put this in 2nd place, it almost got 1st. It's that awesome. I just... my feels went on a crazy trip in this book. And it was so mind-bendy! I am a little afraid that the second book won't be as awesome because it will rely on the same thing that made the first book awesome (the split timelines), but I still have high hopes!
#1 Cress, by Marissa Meyer
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Whoa. Whoa, you guys. Whoa. I usually try to avoid putting not-released books on this list (notice a lack of Dangerous? That's intentional. I thought it would be mean. ;) ) but since this one is part of a series that's already awesome, I figured I'd just put it out here anyway because I think this is my favorite book of the series. I'm sorry to be mean and say that when it's still got a while before it comes out, but... whoa, guys. Just whoa.

But, to be entirely honest, 2013 was not a great year for reading for me. Not only did I not read very many books, but when I went to make my top 10... there were only 10 books I was even considering putting in. Usually I have to stress forEVER over the order and which ones to give up. This time it took me about 5 seconds.

So I NEED YOUR HELP! What were the great books of the year for you? What did I miss? Because I definitely feel like I wasn't as involved in the book community this year, and I'm SURE that some awesome books slipped past my radar. So help me! Please?

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2013


  1. Great list of books! Pivot Point and What's Left of Me are high on my tbr for 2014, hopefully I will enjoy them as much as you! I really need to get my hands on The 5th Wave as well, I have yet to hear a bad thing about it! :) Happy reading ing 2014!

    My top books of 2013 post is scheduled for the 1st!

    Erin @ Let's Evaluate

  2. I read Transparent and Mind Games on this list and I liked them both very much. I'm excited for the sequels too.

  3. ONLY 46? That's a ton! Love your list. We read and enjoyed a lot of these too.

    Here's our list:

  4. Ever After High made my list of favorite books too! Transparent is one that I want to read! :)


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