**Scarlet-- Marissa Meyer

Release Date: February 7th, 2013
Genre: Romance, Dystopia
Publisher: Feiwel and Friends
Pages: 464
Amazon Link*: Click here
Goodreads Page: Click here
Series: Lunar Chronicles #2 (Review of #1)
Summary (Spoilers, highlight to view):
Halfway around the world, Scarlet Benoit’s grandmother is missing. It turns out there are many things Scarlet doesn’t know about her grandmother and the grave danger she has lived in her whole life. When Scarlet encounters Wolf, a street fighter who may have information as to her grandmother’s whereabouts, she has no choice but to trust him, though he clearly has a few dark secrets of his own.

As Scarlet and Wolf work to unravel one mystery, they find another when they cross paths with Cinder. Together, they must stay one step ahead of the vicious Lunar Queen who will do anything to make Prince Kai her husband, her king, her prisoner.
Blurb: Original, French, and a non-stop jaw-drop.

Review: So I already loved the first book in this series, and I wasn't sure that Marissa could top it. Oh me of little faith, she did a lot more than top it.

What made this book so great (aside from the fact that it had lots of Frenchy things. That always makes a book a lot better for me) was how original it was. Many people complained about how Cinder was too much like the original tale, or too predictable. Well, I'll tell you right now that this book is NEITHER of those things.

While Cinder was a fairly close retelling of Cinderella, Scarlet really is its own book. And Scarlet herself certainly isn't a wimpy chick like the girl from Little Red Riding Hood. The girl carries a handgun in the waistband of her pants 24/7. That's pretty hardcore. And the wolf... well, let's just say that Wolf isn't exactly what he seems. He's a very conflicted character/villain. And you know how I love conflicted characters/villains.

I think I've covered the major points. If you haven't yet read Cinder you totally should. And if you have and you didn't like it for either of the reasons I mentioned before, you should still give Scarlet a go. I dunno what happened, but Marissa's writing improved a lot in between these two books, and it was already great so that's saying something.

Other Reviews:
  • TC closer to the release date. (I couldn't find any other reviews in my GoodReads friend list! If you have a review, leave a link in the comments and maybe I'll link to you!)

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012
*I am an amazon affiliate. If you purchase this book using my link, I will get a tiny fraction of the purchase, which goes toward contests.


  1. I loved this one, too!! Completely agree about Wolf. Oh, my, what a great book. I'm giving away my ARC on my blog :)

    (Sorry I can't link, my computer is in the shop and I'm terrible at bloggy stuff using my phone!)

  2. Ooo, how intriguing that it diverges more (as opposed to being a retelling)! We enjoyed CINDER, but we are starting to think SCARLET might be even better. Can't wait to read it!

  3. This was released in November?!? I thought it didn't come out until next month! I loved Cinder and now I'm off to find a copy of Scarlet!!!

    1. Whoops! That's a mistake! Forgot to change that on the template!

  4. If my library doesn't get this one, than I'm going to buy it with birthday money. I already ordered my allotment from Amazon.

  5. Can't wait to read this! I LOVED Cinder! Thanks for the review. :)

  6. I loved Scarlet so much, even more than Cinder! I think your review perfectly sums up my feelings about it (:

    Debz @ Debz Bookshelf
    (Hey, here's a link to my review!)


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