2013: The world didn't end, so I'd better make some goals

Before I get to my 2013 goals, let's see how we did with my 2012 goals:

Reading Goals
Read 75 books OR Read 27,000 pages
Textbooks DO NOT COUNT!
Read EVERY night (No more late night TV!) 

Oh. I failed both of these miserably. I only read 47.5 books.
Blog Goals
Learn different ways of following for when GFC becomes obsolete So... it didn't really go away. So nevermind!
Consider installing a new comment system. I installed threaded comments. so that counts!
Create a more detailed review policy. Done!
Create a privacy policy. Done!
Create a contest policy. Done!
Post at least 2-3 times a week. With a few exceptions, done!
Have all possible contests be open internationally. Done!
Host another multi-blog massive giveaway. Unfortunately, life got in the way of this. Maybe this year.
Host another read-a-thon. Ha. I hosted it. But I failed at it.
Write reviews within 1 week of reading the book. FAIL.
Blogger Goals
COMMENT MORE. Comment on at least 3 blogs a week. Fail.
Personal Goals
Write in journal at least once a week. It wasn't quite once a week, but it was A LOT more than usual. So I call this a success.
Go on a date. Um... well... this is an embarrassing fail.
Go to gym three times a month. Not quite. Could do better on this.
Move into new apartment/condo. Done! And I love it!
Consider doing private tutoring math over the summer/next fall. Doing it now! It's been great!
Go to sleep before midnight! I was very good at this until I met my new friends. Now it takes more self control. But I still consider it a success.

2013 Goals:

Reading Goals:
  • Read 50 books OR Read 17,500 pages
  • Textbooks DO NOT COUNT!
Blog Goals:
  • Post at least 2-3 times a week
  • Host a multi-blog massive giveaway
  • Host AND PARTICIPATE in another read-a-thon
  • Write reviews within 1 week of reading the book (48 hours didn't do it for me last year, so maybe 1 week?)
Personal Goals:
  • Win the costume contest! This cyborg arm better pay off.
  • Learn French enough to have basic conversations with one of my best friends (who speaks English, but speaking French together would be so much more fun.)
  • Go on a date. If at first you don't succeed...
  • Continue to write in journal
  • Write 20,000 words. Either fan-fiction or original. I'm not going to be picky anymore.
  • Think of more goals!

I think that'll do for now!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. See? You have goals. Good ones! Good luck--interested to hear about the date. You'll have to share the details in French.

  2. So I went on maybe four dates before I dated Dillon, now my husband. Two of those I asked. One my sister set me up. And the one I actually got asked out on, the guy told me I was basically his last choice and brought along his cousin.

    I asked Dillon out via text message because I didn't have the guts to call or talk to him in person.

    So don't ask me how to get a date, but it's a good goal anyway.

  3. Good luck with your goals for this year! I've found that if I don't write my review immediately it just gets harder, so I like your one week deadline. Happy New Year!

  4. I went on a first date too last year and I called it epic fail. haha maybe better this year :P

  5. You should do NaNoWriMo in November! I wrote 50,000 words and it was actually really fun :)


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