**Audio Review: Daughter of Smoke and Bone

Author: Laini Taylor
Narrator: Khristine Hvam
Genre: Supernatural/Middle Grade
Producer: HarperCollins Audio
Story Rating:
Audio Rating:

Story Review: I adore this book. I love Karou with all my heart. She's such a strong character. And the whole world building of chimera vs. angel. I especially loved it because there is absolutely nothing religious about it. Angels are just another species, not heavenly beings. That was a cool take on it.

The twists were my favorites. There are so many twists in this book that I was gasping every other page. The characters are all so highly developed that they can't help but have twists!

There is some PG-13 stuff in there. Laini's books are always a little edgy. In terms of language, there is primarily the different uses of the a** word. And the book is about a war so there is a bit of violence. Most of it is in flash-back form, though, and fairly vague.

There isn't ANY drinking and drugs, but there IS sexual content. At the beginning the main character talks briefly about her regret over losing her virginity to a jerk. And near the end there's some talk of the leading man's old flame and them "loving" each other. This isn't explicitly sexual, only some short mentions of them not wearing clothes. It was awkward, but brief. And again, most of this stuff is flash-back-y, because the girl in question has been dead for years, so it's just him remembering their time together. This is only for the last 50 pages, and the reason why he's remembering is so sad and action-filled that it didn't bother me.

Audio Review: To be honest, at first I didn't think the narrator had a strong enough voice/personality to voice Karou. But by the end I felt like she had really grown into the character. The narrator was also really great at doing accents. She gave Brimstone a Carribbean accent, which I never would have thought of myself but totally fit him! Definitely glad I listened to the audiobook before reading the second one. The refresher was great and the listening was a pleasure!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. Haha, we didn't think Brimstone's accent was Caribbean, but we can see why you'd say that. It has some of the same guttural qualities.

    Anyway, we really love this series, and thought the audiobook was a nice rendition.

    Have you read DAYS OF BLOOD AND STARLIGHT yet? Oh man, talk about PG-13 content... It's more about war (kind of like MOCKINGJAY) so it gets very heavy. There's also a sexual assault at one point... Nothing crosses the YA line, in our opinion, but it's definitely on the mature end.

    1. What did you think his accent was? He sounded like a Caribbean voodoo man to me. :)

  2. YES! DoBaS was my favorite book of 2012. For me though, violence is never really the issue. I struggle a lot more with sex. So yeah, that one scene... that was pretty heavy.

    DoBaS is one of those books that *I* put under "New Adult" because it's for ages 16-22 IMHO. I don't get that whole "New Adult is just YA with sex" thing. I think New Adult are books with content a little heavier than the typical YA, be that violence or sex or just thematically.

  3. I loved this audio book!! I thought all of the voices were gone really well and the story itself was amazing! Hoping to read Days of Blood and Starlight soon!!

  4. The audiobook was excellent! I like Japanese drama CDs but have never been a fan of audiobooks because they are just so long but this one really changed my mind. I love Zuze's voice especially. :)

  5. I just finished Days of Blood and Starlight on audio a few weeks ago. I really did love Jennifer Ikeda, and thought she did a GREAT job.


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