Five Year Blogoversary!

I almost can't believe it. I've made it to my five year blogoversary! How crazy is that?!  Tomorrow is my actual blogoversary, but since I don't post on Sundays, we're going to celebrate TODAY!

To be completely honest, I feel like Squeaky Books has always been a part of my life. It's hard to remember when I wasn't blogging. And I can't imagine ever stopping blogging. So here's hoping for at least another five years!

If you've been around for my blogoversary in the past, you know what's coming: a guess the cover contest!!

There are only 12 covers this year, but I did my darndest to make them REALLY hard! Check out the images, then check out the rules/hints below!

  • All of these books have not yet been released (as of 7-14-2012)
  • They will all release in 2012 or early 2013
  • All of these books are US covers (so far as I am aware)
  • Not all have been featured on Squeaky Books, but some
  • They are all books I REALLY want
Those are your only hints! And there are two prizes!

Prize #1 Fastest 100%
The first prize will go to the first person who gets ALL of the covers correct.

Prize #2 Random
I will then randomly select a winner from all participants. The more covers you get right, the more entries you get!

Both winners will get to choose any book they want from or TBD under $13.

Here are the details:
  • Giveaway open 7/14-7/29
  • Open International!
  • You MUST have at least one cover correct to be entered
  • You must fill out THE FORM to enter
  • Multiple submissions WILL NOT COUNT. If you enter more than once, only your first submission will be counted. If you're going for the 100% prize, you have to have them all at the same time. Much more challenging that way, I think.
    I'm really excited to see how y'all do! I worked really hard to try and stump you!

    All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


    1. Happy 5 years! So cool that you've done this for so long!!

      I may come back and enter the giveaway...must find out what those covers are, because I have NO IDEA!!

      Here's to many more years...

    2. Happy blog'o'versary, lovie! You seriously made these hard! I can't even guess a one just by looking!

    3. Man, this really IS hard! Good job! :)
      I'm only missing 2 covers but I'm on the verge to give up.

      If I would give you the most "aawww" puppy dog look in the world, would you give me a hint for cover #2 and #12?

    4. Happy blogoversary.

      You did stump me, all right.

    5. I know only a few, but the rest I dont' know.

    6. Wow. You made them REALLY hard.

    7. OMG!!! I just need one more!

    8. Congrats on a great anniversary! Looks like such a fun contest! Super pumped! I can only recognize a couple right off! Way to go!


    Thank you so much for commenting! I read each and every one.

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