Welcome to UTAH!

It's time for the Reading Road Trip! And I'm today's stop. So I'd like to welcome you all to Utah! Utah is a fabulous place full of a bajillion authors. Including some award-winning ones. I'm not sure what it is about Utah, but we also seem to draw in big authors from out of state/out of the country! I really do love my state. Today is also our state holiday! WAHOOO PIONEERS!

And I want YOU to love Utah too! As part of the Reading Road Trip, I'm going to give away a book that both is written by a Utah author, and takes place in Utah! Any guesses? Here 'tis!

Everneath, by Brodi Ashton!

Not only is this book fabulous, but Brodi herself is as awesomesauce as it gets! She once critiqued two pages of my manuscript, and will be forever remembered as the author who made me love Thai food.

So you have a choice in this giveaway, you can either get a hardcover of Everneath right now, or I will pre-order you a copy of Everbound. You decide! Enter the rafflecopter to win!

If you'd like more info on the road trip, check out the host blogs: I Like These Books & Icey Books

Open international!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. Reading Road Trip? Are you taking us on a tour of the country? Sounds like a party!

  2. It is a tour of the country, but I'm just a single stop at Utah. You'll have to check out the host blogs for the rest!

  3. What a fun road trip! I have to say, I love Utah too. I'll always be a Texas girl of course, but I fell in love with Utah in my college days. I'd love to visit more often!

    Clean Teen Fiction
    Clean Adult Fiction

  4. Thank you for the giveaway!

  5. These books take place in Utah? Interesting. That's pretty unusual.

  6. Never been to Utah, but going to BYU for college has always been in the back of my mind. :)

    Thanks for holding the giveaway! I haven't read this yet, but I've heard fantastic things about it. :)

    The Authoress


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