In My Mailbox: Spring has Sprung

Wow. I have officially cut my hair short enough that you can no longer see in in my IMM vlogs. That's crazy! Especially considering that I used to be able to SIT on it.

Once again, I made both a vlog and picture version of this IMM so you can choose which you prefer. Picture is below vlog, links are below picture! I've been trying to hold the books still while I dance in the video, but this song was so happy that I slipped up a couple times. Enjoy!

Gifted from Grandparents:
From Library:
From Emily:
From Super-Awesome Friend Debbie:
Traded with Gabrielle Carolina:
For Review
From DAW:
From Amazon Vine:
From Macmillan:

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. Wow! That's a lot of books!! Kind of envious that publishers give you so many! Of course I still have a ton in my TBR pile anyway! Happy Reading!

    My book haul for the week will be posted tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Well, only three were from publishers. And usually I don't get even that many! I generally have to depend on the kindness of friends who are willing to lend me books. :D

  3. what a great mailbox and can't for your reviews. I agree borrowing from friends are the best.

  4. I'm very excited for you to read Kill me Softly because I want to read it too!

  5. Once and Kill Me Softly...WANT!!! Awesome haul!!!

  6. GAH! Great mailbox. I am desperately wanting to read Shadow and Bone! haha

  7. I hope you enjoy Crossed. I have a hardcover copy but I still haven't gotten around to it. I hope to get to it soon though! Here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  8. oohh! Crossed on audio! I can't wait to see how to like it!

  9. I was looking forward to Kill me Softly, but now not so much. Can't wait to read your review and found out what was so strange about it. I'm waiting for Smoke and Bone to come in the mail.

  10. LOVE those books! I wanna read Once and Silence!!! Happy reading!


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