You complete me.

It may sound absolutely insane, but I can now sleep better at night knowing they're all finally together.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. I understand COMPLETELY. (Pun intended.)

  2. Have you read Midnight in Austenland yet?! I lurved it.

  3. I SO GET THIS. You don't even know. I almost died when I found out they were rereleasing the cover.

  4. Holy Scmeck. I AM SO JEALOUS. I have the old covers, which aren't nearly as cool as these ones. It's a beautiful thing to see them together in all their glory.

  5. Emily,

    NO! Did you read it on NetGalley? I don't read e-books, but I'm DYING to get it.

  6. So pretty! I have hardcovers for the first three but I want the Alison Jay covers as well.

  7. Droooooool

    I feel the same way about Maria Snyder's series

    And what version of Book of a Thousand Days is that? It looks gorg!

  8. And look at that spine! : )

    In other news, you won Vesper during Contest Craze and I wanted to make sure you claimed it!


  9. Like jars of candy. I don't have my hardcovers on a shelf anywhere. Makes me want to.

  10. OMG I'm envious. I hope the copy is available in the Philippines soon. I haven't read the fourth book. But that copy is making me change my mind. <3

  11. LOL! those editions are so pretty...oh I love Shannon Hale too! :D

  12. very nice- I am coveting Midnight in Austenland. She had a sneak peak for facebook fans up last week, and it just made me even more anxious for the real thing!


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