*The Dead-- Charlie Higson

Release Date: June 14th, 2011
Genre:  Horror, Zombies
Publisher: Disney Hyperion
Pages: 496
Amazon Link*: Click Here
Goodreads Page: Click here
Series: Companion to The Enemy
THE DEAD begins one year before the action in THE ENEMY, just after the Disaster. A terrible disease has struck everyone over the age of sixteen, leaving them either dead or a decomposing, flesh-eating creature. The action starts in a boarding school just outside London where all the teachers have turned into zombies. Together they begin a terrifying journey to find safety, and home.
Review: This was exactly the book I needed to both break me into summer-reading, and break me OUT of my paranormal romance bind. Little to no romance in this book, but a lot of action.

I've said this before, but I'll say it again since this is a zombie book. I have very little tolerance for sex and profanity in books. Can't stand it. But I don't have a problem with violence or gore. Why? The answer is simply because I have a very dull imagination. When I read a book the images aren't very vivid for me. It's like I'm watching a TV through several dozen layers of wax paper. And since I don't read what most people would consider "edgy" books, these horror books are my guilty pleasure.

With that said, The Dead has lots of violence and gore. So if that stuff bothers you, feel free to check this off your list right now. For me it was awesome. The action held my attention, and my eyes skimmed lightly over the particularly gross bits. What's really nice about The Dead is that you don't need to have read The Enemy in order to enjoy it. It's a completely new group of people, in a completely different time and place. You will have certain "aha!" moments if you've read The Enemy, but it isn't necessary.

If you're looking for a high-action book that doesn't have any romance, sex, and only mild profanity, then The Dead is for you. I enjoyed it significantly more than The Enemy, which had far too much talking for my taste.


All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011

*I am an amazon affiliate. If you purchase this book using my link, I will get a tiny fraction of the purchase, which goes toward contests.

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