*Storm Glass-- Maria V. Snyder
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
7:31 PM
Labels: Book Review , Pre-Flowers , Semi-Squeaky Book
Labels: Book Review , Pre-Flowers , Semi-Squeaky Book

This is NOT one of the study books. It takes place in the same world, but 5 years after Fire Study and with a different main character. That being said, it is not necessary to have read the Study books before reading the glass books, however, I highly recommend it.
In this story we follow Opal (who's back story I will not divulge, as it contains great spoilers to the Study books), and her quest for magic, love, and adventure.
Stormdancers are dying, and there isn't enough power to power to run the factories of Sitia. They determine that there's a problem with the glass orbs the storms are being stored it. Opal is Sitia's glass expert, so she's sent to fix the problem. However, there are plenty of people standing in her way, not all of them enemies.
I enjoyed this book, not as much as the Study books, but I think it's just because I missed Yelena(she's hardly in this at all). I thought the story was gripping, and the world believable.
This book had one of my biggest pet peeves, two love interests that you liked. Grr! I hate that! Because then no matter who she chooses, you're going to be disappointed. Plus, TOTAL cliffhanger at the end in regards to one of the love interests. I'm glad I have the sequel Sea Glass on hand.
Even though Snyder tread on that dangerous ground, I think she handled it as well as it could possibly be handled. So it didn't bother me too much. ;)
I definitely recommend you read this, but read the study books first. Oh, and in case you didn't catch that:
READ THE STUDY BOOKS BY MARIA V. SNYDER!! (but only if you're age 15+)
That's all folks!
~Enna Isilee