Hunger Games Nail Polish Giveaway!

Have you guys seen the new Hunger Games nail polish? I'm dying to have some. Each color goes with a different district. You can see them in detail here.

Would you like a bottle? I'd love to give you one. But I need you to do me a little favor. In my survey I've noticed that a lot of people have conflicting views when it comes to my layout. And I know it doesn't look the same on every computer, but since I don't own every computer I can't tell for myself.

What do you need to do? Take a screenshot of my blog. Like this:

Don't know how to do that? Here are instructions for Mac and PC.

Then upload your image (full size please) to Photobucket or another image hosting site, and put the link in this form (along with answering a few extra questions), then you'll be entered to win your choice of any one of the Hunger Games nail polishes!

So here it is again in a nutshell:

How to Enter:
  • Take a screenshot of my blog on your computer
  • Upload the image online and put a direct link to it in the form
  • Answer a few questions about what kind of computer you're using
  • Tell me what nail polish you want!
  • You can enter as many times as you want so long as you are entering with DIFFERENT images. Meaning something about your two images don't look the same (even if you use two different computers and the image still looks the same, it doesn't count). Don't just change the resolution.  I reserve the right to disqualify any entries I feel don't fit the requirements
  • I can only ship the nail polish inside the US, but if you are international I will give you a $5 e-bay gift card so you can buy from this listing.  Then all you have to pay is shipping! (Which is probably another $3-$5)
  • Open to ages 13+
  • Ends 3-13-12

 Does that make sense? You'll also need to know some basic stuff about your computer, including your screen resolution. Let me know if you have any questions!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. Hi Enna! Do you know when you'll do the drawing?

  2. I already did (and my survey drawing as well), I just didn't announce it on the blog. I've already contacted the winners. Sorry! I was going to announce it publicly when I posted the results.


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