An Update

Just if anyone cares: I started student teaching a few weeks ago and it's taken a lot more of my brain than I thought it would. Plus, when I DO have free time, blogger is blocked on the school's wifi. Curse you! Mix together student teaching, certification exams, and the job that actually pays me, and my time is very limited. But I actually have been reading A LOT and I hope to get some pretty sweet posts scheduled this weekend so I can start February fresh.

Until then, check out how awesomely dangerous Shannon Hale is, AND see what cool prizes you can get if you pre-order her book!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012

Allegiant-- Veronica Roth

Release Date: October 22nd 2013
Genre: Dystopia, Romance
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Pages: 526
Amazon Link*: Click here
Goodreads Page: Click here
Series: Divergent #3 (Review of #1, #2)
Summary (spoilers, highlight to view):
The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in is shattered—fractured by violence and power struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she’s known, Tris is ready. Perhaps beyond the fence, she and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties, and painful memories.

But Tris’s new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again, Tris must battle to comprehend the complexities of human nature—and of herself—while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice, and love.
Blurb: Not an awesome finale, but certainly not terrible

Review: Like most of my end-of-series reviews, I'll keep this fairly brief and spoiler-free. I was really nervous to read this book because it seemed like it caused SO much angst in the YA world when it came out. I have since discovered that this angst is primarily due to two things: 1) the slow pace, and 2) Tris' actions at the end of the book.

Neither of these things bothered me. I thought the book was "fine." I never felt like I was dragging through it, and was eager to read it. I didn't notice the slow pace at all, but perhaps that's because it has been ages since I read the first two, so I had nothing to compare it to, and I also read most of it over Christmas break, and so had big chunks of time to read. So perhaps it was slow, and I just missed it.

BUT, I can speak with confidence when it comes to the second issue. Tris' actions at the end of the book did not bother me at all because it was typical Tris. I felt like even though Veronica decided to do something fairly drastic with the story, she did not jump the shark. I totally believe that Tris, Four, Christina, and everyone else would have acted the way that they did. Does that mean that I liked the choices they made? No. Not even. But it didn't diminish the book for me at all because even though I didn't really like what happened, I felt like it was the right thing for the story. There was even sequel-phase in this story (which I usually hate) that felt totally natural and right.

If anything bugged me, it was that although this book claims to be "told from a riveting dual perspective," there were several times where I lost track of who was speaking. It didn't regularly switch back and forth each chapter, and Tris and Four have such similar voices, that I got lost quick. It would have been helpful to have their name at the top of the page or something, like that hilarious Brian Regan sketch. I should find a link to that...

Anyway, there you go. I didn't hate the book, I didn't love the book, I just thought it was a satisfying end to the series and I don't regret leaving it behind now. Though, I will go see the movie, if just for curiosity's sake.

Other Reviews:
  • TBA (Loved it!) Coming soon! My school district blocks blogger blogs (except mine for some reason...) so I will have to add this later!
  • The Quiet Voice (It was okay)
  • TBA (Didn't Like It.) Coming soon for the same reason. :)

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2014
*I am an amazon affiliate. If you purchase this book using my link, I will get a tiny fraction of the purchase, which goes toward contests.

Goals for 2014!

Before I get to my 2014 goals, let's see how we did with my 2013 goals:

Reading Goals
Read 50 books OR Read 17,500 pages
Blah. Nope. I read even less than last year. I only read 46 books.
Blog Goals
Post at least 2-3 times a week
Host a multi-blog massive giveaway
Host AND PARTICIPATE in another read-a-thon
Write reviews within 1 week of reading the book
UGH. I failed HARDCORE at ALL of these. 2013 was a rough year for blogging, my friends.
Personal Goals
Win the costume contest! Okay, I didn't actually win the costume contest I was referring to in this goal, BUT I did win a costume contest in October. And not only did I win, I won TWICE. I entered in beginner, and took home 1st place intermediate for craftsmanship, and 1st place beginner for stage presence. I felt pretty awesome.
Learn French. Um... I bought some French learning software that I haven't opened yet. Does that count?
Go on a date. HA HA! NOPE! AGAIN! I am such a sad human being.
Continue to write in journal. I actually did pretty good in this! I wasn't as regular as 2012, but still pretty good!
Write 20,000 words. I'm... actually not sure if I met this goal. I didn't really keep track of my words. But I'm pretty sure I did NOT.

2014 Goals:

Reading Goals:
  • Read 50 books OR Read 17,500 pages
  • Manga does not count (I read it really really fast) but audiobooks DO (because I no longer listen to them for my job).
Blog Goals:
  • Post at least 5 times a month (I know, this is dramatically less than my hey-day, but hey! I have busier days!)
  • Figure out how to bring blog back to life, and here are some ideas:
  • Host a multi-blog massive giveaway (Anyone want in?)
  • Host AND PARTICIPATE in another read-a-thon
Personal Goals:
  • Try that date thing again. Come on, certainly THIS year. Please? I don't want to be pathetic anymore! I swear I'm not an extremely social awkward person, I just have absolutely no flirting ability which means it's impossible for me to find my way out of the "friend zone" with ANYONE. Or even find my way to the "friends who date each other for giggles" zone.
  • Start writing again. I should be more specific... but I'm not sure how specific I want to be. Right now my roommate and I are just gonna start writing our fanfictions again.
  • Regain a basic mastery of the flute. I used to play, but it's been years since I even picked it up. I want to start again!
  • Continue to write in journal. A worthy goal whatever the year. But my current journal is almost filled up! I really want this to be my next journal, but so many monies...
  • Be able to run 6 miles in 60 minutes. I'm working on this right now. I'm really lame, but getting better!
  • Complete the lazy-man Ironman. This is something my school does in February. If you complete an ironman triathalon over the course of a month, you get a t-shirt. 
  • Lose 7 more pounds/become more toned. I've lost 23 pounds in the last 6 months. I'd love to lose 7 more to make it an even 30. However, I'd also really like to become more fit and toned, and I know that muscle weighs more than fat. So... the weight loss thing is flexible.
  • Graduate college. You guys, I'm so close. I'm so close!!
  • Get a "real" job. Look out public school. I'm coming for you Fall of 2014.
Cosplay Goals
(Yes, this has become such a part of my life that it warrants its own category)
  • I have 6 costumes planned for 2014, but I won't bore you with the specifics. Just know that I have a goal to complete all 6.
  • Attend and compete in an out-of-state costume contest. We're planning on Nan Desu Kan 2014!
  • Open Etsy Store. And fill it with all kinds of nerdy-goodness! Specializing in cosplay, but with other things too!
  • Learn how to use Worbla. This stuff is magic for making armor, and some of my dream costumes are really armor-heavy. So must learn!

I think that'll do for now!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2014
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