Which book character should I turn myself into?

Ready for a random question?

This semester I’m in a makeup class. For our final project we have to turn ourselves into a character/creature from a book/play. It has to be from a book or play (as opposed to TV or film) because we have to interpret the textual description to create our own character. We cannot copy something that has already been done.

I have NO IDEA what to do! I would really rather avoid something that has a beard/hair (it’s gross). I can do wounds/scars really well. I could also do something like put a third eye in my forehead.

Can you think of any characters/creatures I could do? I need your collective brain power, squeakers! The two ideas I have right now are the guy who's turning to stone from Reckless or a special from the Uglies books. But I can't really remember the description of the specials...

Much love and appreciation!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. My first thought was Cyrano de Bergerac. : )

    1. Hahaha! I've never been very good at noses... but maybe I could give that a go. :D

  2. Replies
    1. ? Does she have something special about her that I could do makeup wise? It's been a while since I re-read that.

    2. Her birthmark! This is an interesting one. And I love Dashti.

    3. Oh DUH!!! Now I feel silly. I just imagine her as perfect in my head 'cause she's my favorite. Now I remember WHY she's my favorite.

      Hm... I don't know if that would be considered "challenging" enough since it would just require paint and not any putty or latex.

  3. Suzume from Shadows on the Moon! When she is all decked out for her dance! That would be cool. My first thought was Zombie though.

  4. What about someone from DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE? One of the chimaera? Or Zusana? Karou?

  5. Ooh!!!! I would love to do one of those. Must skim that book. :)

    1. Maybe try the friend who turned herself into a living marionette? I forget her name.

  6. The "mom zombie" from Rot and Ruin? (Remember, the one wearing the dress with the "red sleeves.") Jane Eyre? 60-year-old crazy Amazon doctor in "State of Wonder"? Ugh...I don't read enough sci-fi/fantasy to be helpful. Just kids' books: somebody from Greek mythology from one of the Rick Riordan Percy Jackson or Red Pyramid series? Dina from "The Red Tent" (can't go wrong with a great biblical character).


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