Signings this Weekend
Hello everyone! Sorry for the radio silence this last week. I actually HAVE read some books, I just haven't had time to flush out whole reviews. Hopefully I'll have time over the long weekend.
Speaking of long weekend, there are two HUGE signings going on this weekend, and I wanted to make sure you were aware of them:
So who's coming to either of these? We should meet up and have a party!
Speaking of long weekend, there are two HUGE signings going on this weekend, and I wanted to make sure you were aware of them:
Friday, February 15th
Provo Marriott Hotel & Conference Center.
There will be DOZENS of authors signing here as part of LTUE. Including Megan Whalen Turner!
Saturday, February 16th
Orem Barnes and Noble
The Breathless Reads tour is back in Utah! So many great authors all in one place! How can you NOT come to this?
So who's coming to either of these? We should meet up and have a party!
All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012
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