Birthday Bash 2012 Starting Line!

It's here! It's finally here! After a year of waiting and wishing, it's time for BIRTHDAY BASH 2012!

This is probably the most exciting thing I do on my blog. It's 31 days of giveaways, author interviews, guest posts, and virtual CAKE! Yup. That's right. There will be cake. The whole blog has been totally birthday-ified! And I'm so excited.

This year we have enough giveaways to have one almost EVERY SINGLE DAY! So many chances to win, brought to you by some AMAZING bloggers and authors. There are SIXTEEN author interviews and SEVENTEEN giveaways! Every time you see an author interview, there is also a giveaway attached. Here's all the information you're going to need for the next month:

I've created a page that will be home base for the bash. The schedule, as well as links to all of the giveaways and interviews will be posted there. There is also a button that takes you to this page at the top of the blog. Some giveaways are US only, some are international. You can check this page to see which are which.

The twitter hashtag for the bash is #SqueakyBirthday2012. You'll get extra entries in the giveaways for tweeting things with this hashtag.

There's a button! Here it is! In a lot of the giveaways you'll get extra entries for adding this button to your sidebar. Just copy and paste the HTML in the box below!

<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

You'll also get extra entries in quite a few contests for following the contest host blogs. So if you want to get ahead of the game, check out the various participating blogs on the page and follow them now!

I think that's all the info you need for now. Again, the first giveaway/interview is TOMORROW! All giveaways will end at 10pm MST on 9/21/12.

If you have any questions about the bash, or if you're just excited, please leave a comment!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. I started following your blog last Squeaky Birthday, and I can't believe a year has gone by!

  2. So stoked!!! Added the button and am geared to go!

  3. Who ever said you couldn't have more than one birthDAY a year obviously never met you. An entire month of birthdays! Happy, happy, birthday may all your dreams come true!

  4. What a wonderful idea! I'm glad to see that you're carrying on the hobbit tradition. Off to read some of the reviews...

  5. Happy Happy Birthday, Enna!


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