Mini-Reviews (3)

Here's a few books that I read a few weeks ago and I don't remember a whole lot of details. Hence, mini-reviews! These are a great way to smoosh down that "waiting to be reviewed" list, too!

Insurgent, Veronica Roth
(Goodreads | Amazon)

I thought this was a great follow-up to Divergent. It was interesting, allowed us to see all new parts of Tris' world, and had only minimal amounts of sequel-phase. I also thought Veronica did a great job of portraying Tris as an imperfect character, who knows she is imperfect but is always striving to do better. The ending of this one was crazy! I had to read it 4-5 times and I still don't know what happened!

Tuesdays at the Castle, Jessica Day George
(Goodreads | Amazon)

I just plum don't like middle grade. I tried to like this book, really. But the whole time I was reading it I knew everything would work out nice in the end, and coincidences would lead the good guys to victory. And the narrator never felt authentic to me. She was too... smart. It was like someone gave an 11-year-old a thesaurus.

Article 5, Kristen Simmons
(Goodreads | Amazon)

I was really hesitant to pick this one up (mostly because I have an irrational disliking toward that cover!) but I was glad I did! This was a very engaging novel that made you think about current politics, without making you feel like you were being beaten over the head with it. I wasn't sure I agreed with all the ideas in the book, but that didn't take away from me liking it. Be warned, most people are treated pretty horribly in this book.

Struck, Jennifer Bosworth
(Goodreads | Amazon)

In the spirit of full disclosure: this book offended me. It vilified religion in ways that were just not okay. I don't like any book that does that. After meeting Jenn, I know that she says that wasn't her intention, but it's certainly how I felt. If you'd like more details, feel free to e-mail me.

Sisters Red, Jackson Pearce
(Goodreads | Amazon)

I've been a huge fan of Jackson Pearce's YouTube channel for a long time. She's the one who taught me how to french braid my hair, which is now the only thing I can do to my hair since I cut it. And Sisters Red was enjoyable enough. I was really liking it (except for a couple out-of-the-blue F-bombs) until I realized that I had totally predicted the "twist." Some books I'm okay with that, but usually if I guess the "twist" it ruins the whole book. So when I finished this one I just sighed. It was good for a light read, but not quite the awesomeness I expected. I'm still definitely going to hunt down Sweetly and Fathomless though.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012

1 comment:

  1. That's such a bummer about Struck. The whole religious cults element made me a little reluctant to read the book to begin with. I rarely see any type of "religion" done well in books, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised...
    I liked Insurgent, too. I had issues with Tris in Divergent but I liked her a lot better in Insurgent.


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