Top 10 of '10

It's the last day of the year! 2010 is over. Can you believe it? This was a FANTASTIC year for YA. I could easily make a list of 50 books that I loved in 2010. In the end, however, there were 10 books that clearly stood out as the best. The hard part was figuring out what order to put them in! I think I finally got it down, though. So enjoy Enna Isilee's Top 10 Book Picks of 2010:

#10 Rot and Ruin, by Jonathan Maberry
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When I was going through all of my 2010 reads, I actually surprised myself by picking this one. I only just read it, but it was definitely one of the most action-packed and thrilling reads of the year. I love me a good, classic zombie story, and there was hardly any profanity! A great book.

#9 Stork, by Wendy Delsol
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You know, I still can't put my finger on what it was I liked so much about this book. It was probably that it read like a fairy tale. And all of the cultural themes were great. Plus the love interest was purty darn cute. A great, simple story all around.
#8 The Dead Tossed Waves, by Carrie Ryan
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Oh! I love this series SO much. The mudo are AWESOME and there are just so many twists and turns and action, and then there are times of quiet and "calm" where you can reflect on the deep inner being of the characters. I just adore it. I CANNOT wait for the third book.

#7 Threads and Flames, by Esther Friesner
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I haven't had a historical fiction novel effect me this much since I read The Book Theif. I cried like a baby at the end of this book. I know a lot of people have issues with how the book ended, but I loved it. It was a little slow at the beginning, but it was just so rich that I felt like I was really living the story. A wonderful peice of literature.

#6 Nightshade, by Andrea Cremer
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I thought this book was so original, and it had so many different levels. The werewolves weren't werewolves, they were shape shifters. And the magic war is just so cool! And the love triangle was one of the most interesting and conflicting that I've read in a long time.

#5 The Dark Divine, by Bree Despain
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Yup. Another werewolf book. And even though this came out in 2009, I'm including it because it came out in December of '09 and I only read it in June. This one made the list for the romance and characters. They all just felt so real. And I loved the subtle religion throughout the book. It didn't bash you over the head with its theology, but it added a great undertone to the story. Plus, Bree is a local author (which I didn't know when I first read the book) so she's a superstar in my world. *wink*

#4 Paranormalcy, by Kiersten White
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Is anyone surprised to see this up here? This book is sassy, smart, and oh-so fun. Kiersten has one of the most unique voices I've ever read. Plus, she's an amazingly nice and fun person in real life. If you're looking for a story that will have you both on the floor laughing, and on the edge of your seat, then Paranormalcy is the book for you.

#3 Matched, by Ally Condie
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I had a hard time deciding whether to put Matched or Paranormalcy in this spot, since I love both so much. I eventually chose Matched because I just adore dystopians. However, this book is so much more than that. This book is a love story. An amazingly beautiful love story. And yes, it has a love triangle, but it's the best love triangle I've ever read. For once I actually found myself caring about who she chose. That rarely happens for me. Ally is an amazing wordsmith. Her writing flows like prose, and even though this book has an AMAZING storyline, Ally could write a book about rocks and I would love it. She's just that good. (And she makes me uber-happy every time I see her.)

#2 Birthmarked, by Caragh O’Brien
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I'm going to have to re-read this book, since I don't remember a whole lot. However, I do remember how I felt during and after reading it. The characters in this story are just so amazing. Plus, I love how this book makes you think. Caragh doesn't come right out and say "These people are good, and these people are evil." You have to figure it out for yourself. So amazing. I stayed up LONG into the night to finish this one.

#1 Inside Out, by Maria V. Snyder
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There was really no question in my mind about which book I would pick to be my #1 choice of 2010. I have never read anything like this book. I feel bad for those of you who already know what it's about, because the twist honestly caused me to GASP ALOUD. I took this book to my family reunion at an amusement park and I read it WHILE ON THE RIDES. I'm going to have to find a picture of that. Did it make me nauseuous? Oh yeah. Was it worth it? Totally. This book had everything: romance, dystopia, mystery, intrigue, betrayal, and the TWIST! Oh! Everyone I know who reads this finishes it and is speechless. Maria V. Snyder is one of my favorite authors of all time, and I think this is my favorite book of her's. SO GOOD! You should go out and get it! It was originally released in paperback, so it's really inexpensive and SO WORTH IT.

Well, there you go. Those are my top 10 picks of 2010. How many have you read? Are any of these on your top 10 list? Who's excited for 2011? We had some amazing books this last year, and it looks like we have just as many amazing books coming up this next year. I'm excited!

Happy new year!
All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2010

*I am an amazon affiliate. If you purchase this book using my link, I will get a tiny fraction of the purchase, which goes toward contests.


  1. I have read several of the books on your list and enjoyed them too. I still need to read Rot and Ruin and Dead Tossed Waves, both of which are sitting on my TBR shelf.

    Have a Happy New Year!

  2. This is such a unique list! I haven't read Inside Out, but if it's you #1 I need to give it a shot! Carrie Ryan really is the bomb. I can't wait for The Dark and Hollow Places!

  3. thanks for the list! some titles i recognized, some i did not. i'm excited to add these to my tbr list!

  4. Okay, some of these books I haven't even heard all that much about. That's pretty bad. I'm adding them to my TBR on Goodreads now.

  5. I've only read two of the books!
    I loved Paranormalcy!!! :D


Thank you so much for commenting! I read each and every one.

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