So excited for this!

I just saw this trailer, I'm SO EXCITED! Jane Eyre is my FAVORITE classic. It blows even Pride and Prejudice out of the water. I cry every time I read/watch it. This trailer looks AWESOME! I wasn't a big fan of the masterpeice mini-series, but I have high hopes for this one.

Releases March 11, 2011

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2010


  1. I got goosebumps! I had no idea they were making a new one! The preview is fantastic! Thanks for sharing! I'm using a lot of exclamation points!

  2. This looks so good! I saw the older version, but I really like how this new one looks. It really seems (from the trailer at least) to capture the feeling of Jane Eyre.

  3. This looks really good! I just finished reading Jane (and I read Jane Eyre before that) so I'm all set for the movie. :)

  4. I'm super excited for this one, though I'll always love the BBC four-part miniseries best. :)

  5. OOOOH! It's mine too! It was the first classic I ever read and why I love them so much today! I can't wait for this! Thanks for letting me know =D

  6. Can't wait to see the movie! I've been having a bit of a Jane Eyre obsession lately!

  7. Wow! It looks incredible!! Thanks for the video!

  8. i know i just saw this trailer acouple of days ago on it looks amazing!! can't wait!

  9. I, too, love Jane Eyre. I'm so excited for this movie!


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