*Monsters of Men-- Patrick Ness

Release Date: September 28th, 2010
Genre:  Sci-fi, Adventure, Romance, Dystopia
Publisher: Candlewick
Pages: 603
Amazon Link*: Click Here
Goodreads Page: Click here
Series: Chaos Walking #3 (Review of #1, Review of #2)
Summary(Slight spoilers, highlight to view): 
"War," says the Mayor. "At last." Three armies march on New Prentisstown, each one intent on destroying the others. Todd and Viola are caught in the middle, with no chance of escape. As the battles commence, how can they hope to stop the fighting? How can there ever be peace when they're so hopelessly outnumbered? And if war makes monsters of men, what terrible choices await? But then a third voice breaks into the battle, one bent on revenge...
Review: I started this series back in July, and I'm glad I didn't discover it until this year. Waiting for this book to come out would have been SO ANNOYING! All of these books end in pretty major cliffhangers. And, just so you know, this one isn't really the exception. And yes, it is the last book in the series.

However, this book is VERY gripping. I started it Saturday afternoon, and finished it on Sunday. That might not seem super fast, but you must remember that it is SIX-HUNDRED PAGES LONG!! My hands hurt from holding it so long.

This series is WEIRD. It seems like there is a pretty strong following of people who love the books, and also people who hate them. If you liked the previous two books, you'll like this one (except for the ending perhaps). If you didn't like the previous ones... then why are you still reading them?

That's all I have in terms of review. Reviewing series finales is kind of hard.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2010

*I am an amazon affiliate. If you purchase this book using my link, I will get a tiny fraction of the purchase, which goes toward contests.


  1. I've been reading this book for a while. I don't know why it's taking me so long. I do love this series--Maybe I don't want it to be over!

  2. I've never even heard of this series. I may have to try it out. I just noticed on Dark Faerie Tales that we signed up for a bunch of the same ARC tours! I'm so excited to read them! :D It's funny how we both steer clear of some of the same types of books. ;)

  3. Okay, you didn't reveal very much about the book but for some reason I really want to read this now. It sounds like something I'd like - sci-fi? dystopia?


  4. I'm in the love camp but I know haters too. I couldn't wait until Sept so I ordered the beautiful IMO UK edition back in May. It was so worth it! Those cliffhangers are killers.


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