Time for Christmas Reading!

REMINDER: Today is the last day to nominate your favorite books of 2010. I still need a few more people in order to add another Amazon gift card. Click here for details.

I'm free! I had my last final this morning (Linear algebra at 7am, Ugh.) and it's smooth sailing from now until January 4th. Yee-haw! And that means:

Christmas Reading!

I always have really lofty goals for Christmas reading, and I rarely meet them. I bet it'll be the same this year, but I'll still try! Here's my pile:

Here's the text-list:

Rot and Ruin, Jonathan Maberry (Goodreads | Amazon)
Plague, Michael Grant (Goodreads | Amazon)
Unearthly, Cynthia Hand (Goodreads | Amazon)
A Conspiracy of Kings, Megan Whalen Turner (Goodreads | Amazon)
Fire, Kristin Cashore (Goodreads | Amazon)
Generation Dead, Daniel Waters (Goodreads | Amazon)
Soulstice, Simon Holt (Goodreads | Amazon)
Need, Carrie Jones (Goodreads | Amazon)
Hearts at Stake, Alyxandra Harvey (Goodreads | Amazon)
City of Ashes, Cassandra Clare (Goodreads | Amazon)
City of Glass, Cassandra Clare (Goodreads | Amazon)
Clone Codes, McKissack & McKissack (Goodreads | Amazon)
Dark Life, Kat Falls (Goodreads | Amazon)

I'm starting with Rot & Ruin, since it's a library book. I need to get through at least 5 of them to meet my goal, and I'd really like to finish the Mortal Instruments series, but other than that I don't have any particular order planned. Have you read any of these? Did you like them? Is there one I just have to read?

Is Christmas a reading time for you?

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2010


  1. I'm reading Fire right now and Rot & Ruin is SO good! I hope you enjoy them all. :)

  2. I'm reading NEED by Carrie Jones over Christmas break, as well. It sounds awesome!

  3. Fire & A Conspiracy of Kings.

  4. Looks like a great stack, girl! Have fun getting through it :D
    I'm just guessing, though, that you will not like FIRE. From what I hear, it's way worse, content-wise, than GRACELING. But I'm going to try and read PLAGUE over the break, too!

  5. Awesome list! I actually don't think I've read any of them. I, too, have grand plans for Christmas reading. It's roughly 10 books long right now, but I know I'm going to get more books as gifts, so I've got to get through at least a few of them.

    Have fun!

  6. Definitely be sure to read Unearthly. I loved it so much! Hearts at Stake and the Mortal Instruments series are good reads as well.

    Enjoy your Christmas reading! :)

  7. I also would like to actually get around to reading City of Ashes and Glass because I've only read the first one and with City of Fallen Angels coming out in a few months I need to get caught up. Looks like you have some great books on your list though.

  8. I have big reading goals as well for Christmas. I have been waiting for my break from school so I can read for leisure again lol. Hopefully I can get through my pile in time.

    Good luck to you and of course, happy reading! :D

  9. I thought Unearthly was decent. It wasn't great, but as far as the genre goes, it did things differently, which was a pleasant change.

    How is linear algebra? I have it next semester....

  10. Conspiracy of Kings is a must-read. I can't remember correctly, but I think earlier (like a few months back) you started it and didn't finish? It's a great book, although you might take a little while to get into it. I know I loved it, and it just gets better the further you read. MWT is an amazing author.

  11. I read Fire and had mixed feelings about it. The main character, who is only 17, comes across as a grown woman and her attitude toward sex bothered me.

  12. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on Need. I couldn't finish it for various reasons - none related to swearing or anything like that. It just was not for me.

  13. Christmas is also one of the best seasons for me to stack up a reading list.(btw, nice selection). i'm already in the last leg of the mortal instruments trilogy and it's a good thing that i still have time to start on the clockwork angel. hope you have fun =)


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