Guest Post: Novel Birthday Milestones

Today Squeaky Books welcomes Kristi from the wildly sucessful book-blog The Story Siren. I love her blog! She writes about milestone birthdays in books. Just a warning that she does give away some plot points, but it's nothing major. You'd know it all if you just read the book summaries. So... you should read it!

Well first off, I went to say a big ole’ HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Enna!!! I hope that it’s wonderful! And that you get lots and lots of books, and hugs and a huge birthday cake and maybe some balloons... oh and some flowers and I hope that the weather is just beautiful and that all of your birthday wishes come true!

So I’m going to use this post to talk about books and birthdays... and not just any birthdays... but the MILESTONE BIRTHDAY! I’ve noticed that in literature awesome things happen to characters on their birthdays!

Personally, I’m still waiting for my ‘milestone birthday’ but I know that one of these years, it’s going to happen!

One of the most famous milestone birthdays, for me at least, would have to be Harry Potter’s eleventh birthday. This is the day that Hagrid shows up and tells little ole’ Harry that he isn’t just an ordinary boy... with a lighting bolt shaped scar... he’s a WIZARD! And not just any wizard, he’s the boy that lived. (Anytime you want to show up at my house Hagrid... please feel free!)

Then there is Schuyler Van Alen from Blue Bloods by Melissa De la Cruz. She’s just a quiet normal teenage girl but then on her fifteenth birthday she gets those crazy blue veins in her arms and finds out that she’s a vampire! Happy Birthday to you Miss Van Alen, and you thought you had it bad before! Word of advice people, if you start getting strange blue veins and are craving blood... you might want to talk to somebody about that.

See what did I tell you! Milestone birthdays rock! Hmm... okay so I’ve got a wizard and a vampire... oh what about a fearie!

In the Iron King by Julie Kagawa, normal teenager Megan Chase’s little brother gets stolen.... on her sixteenth birthday! Which results in her discovering that she isn’t just a ‘normal teenager’ she is in fact a faery princess! Darn it! Why couldn’t I have had a little brother! Although now that I think about it, I probably wouldn’t late very long over in that other realm with all those wicked things... I’m sure they would probably have me ripped to pieces within a few minutes.

Another girl that finds out she’s a fearie on her sixteenth birthday is Anita... who ends up being the faerie princess Tania! Although she doesn’t have any brother’s that get stolen, I believe she is an only child, in the human world at least. Her discovery happens after she lands herself in the hospital... those darn boat accidents.

Sixteen seems to be a popular age for intimate discoveries.

Lena Duchannes (Beautiful Creatures by Kamy Garcia and Margaret Stohl) is dreading her sixteenth birthday because she knows that something big is going to happen. She’s not sure exactly what it is, but she just has a feeling that it isn’t something good. Sometimes ‘milestone birthdays’ aren’t all fun and fairy tales. But I guess when you’ve got ‘the hotness’ known as Ethan Wate trying to save you and all, it would be all that bad!

I think since I have a vampire I should include a werewolf, I mean I’d hate to discriminate! Let’s see werewolf.. On her sixteenth birthday Claire Benoit (Claire de Lune by Christine Johnson) finds out she’s a WEREWOLF! And not only that but that there is a whole pack that live right in her town. Not to mention there has been these crazy werewolf attacks lately so the whole town pretty much hates werewolves. Good luck Claire. Nothing like starting out on the right foot... er paw!

Sometimes birthday’s include a little bit more than a birthday cake and presents. Perhaps this year you’ll find out that you’re really a faerie or a vampire. Let’s hope Enna that your birthday doesn’t include one of those... (unless of course you want it to, then my fingers are crossed for you!)

Have any other good books that feature a milestone birthday? Or what about what you’re hoping to discover your next birthday!?

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