Giveaway & Guest Post: An interesting sweet sixteen

Today Squeaky Books welcomes Chantele from There is Always Something to Read. She talks about her very... interesting 16th birthday. Chantele hosted the Janette Rallison contest, and now she is giving away a SIGNED ARC of Jessica Day George's Princess of Glass, so be sure to visit her blog!

I just love birthday's and contests, and I think Enna Isilee is awesome! I have loved all of my birthdays, but the one birthday party I can remember the most, happened when I was 16. 10+ years ago if you were curious. ;) I'm not over 30 yet! Ha ha.

So, my birthday is in the summer, and I had just finished celebrating with my family. My parents had to run to the grocery store for something, and I joined them. We walked through the doors, and all of a sudden a blanket was thrown over my head and someone was picking me up and putting me over their shoulder. It was rather terrifying when that person started running across the parking lot with me. I knew it was a friend, but I wasn't in the mood to be dropped on my head!

Anyway, I was stuffed into the backseat of a car, with someone sitting next to me not letting the blanket off of my head. After driving around forever, in dead silence, we finally stopped and I was pulled out of the car. I was led into a house, down some stairs and when I reached the bottom, the blanket was pulled off and all of my friends were shouting Happy Birthday at me. It was an interesting way to kidnap me, but I had so much fun!

My friends also had a tradition of drinking a raw egg on our 16th birthday. I'm not sure why we did it, since it was disgusting, but I can honestly say I drank a raw egg that night. I don't recommend it, since it was sick! :)

I hope you have a fantastic birthday Enna! Have fun celebrating, and stay away from raw eggs! ;)

Thank you so much for having me and Happy Birthday!


Our last one. Isn't that sad?


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