Author Interview & Giveaway: Ally Condie

Yay! Today I am so excited to feature Ally Condie, author of the upcoming book Matched and numerous other YA titles (like Freshman for President. Did you enter to win?). I had the chance to meet with Ally in person a few weeks ago and you will never meet a nicer person!

Now, I did get to interview Ally, but there's already a great interview with her over at Society of Matched that talks all about her writing process. So I decided to make this a purely fun interview! Hope you guys enjoy. Be sure to check out the giveaway at the end of this post!

Ally's Website
Ally's GoodReads Page
Matched GoodReads Page
Society of Matched Interview

If you were a flower, which would you be?
*A calla lily. It was the flower at our wedding and my husband wrote me a sonnet about that flower as my wedding gift. But I'm not actually tall or elegant so maybe that isn't super accurate. ;)

Pick your poison: headache or nausea?
*I hate both sooo much. Can I say sore throat? No? Then headache it is.

Do you have perfect vision? Do you wish you had perfect vision?
*I have terrible vision! I had to get glasses when I was six. Now I wear contacts. I'd love to have perfect vision. It would come in so handy when swimming and having babies. (They've made me take out my contacts when I've had my kids, so my husband has to hold them right up to my face for me to see them after they're born. Good times.)

Which is harder, writing a novel, or writing consistent blog posts?
*Writing a novel!

How many books do you read a week/month?
*I average 2-3 books per week, so about 8-12 per month. And tons of picture books, of course, since I have little kids. But those probably don't count.

What's your favorite music genre? Favorite artist? Song?
* I like lots of different kinds of music...that's a hard one. Anything with a pretty melody and/or thoughtful lyrics gets me right away. My favorite artist of all time is Neil Diamond. My favorite song right now is Empty by Ray La Montagne.

If you could change nature's color pallette, would you? What would you change? (ie. blue trees, purple grass?)
I don't think I would. I love everything the way it is. I grew up in the desert (So. Utah Note from Enna Isilee: Yeah! Woo hoo!) and so I am particularly fond of red rocks and blue sky.

Finally, some fun from the random plot generator!

It's a dark and stormy night. Suddenly tough-talking vampire arrives arrives on horseback in tears! Oh no! Are they the protagonist or antagonist? What has caused them such distress, or are they tears of joy?
It's the villain! He's broken-hearted because he has just found that he is mortal after all. This is killing him (literally) because he knows that he will die someday, and also that he has to start grocery shopping instead of drinking blood. I don't blame him one bit. Grocery shopping is the worst. Especially when you have just found out that you can father children after all, and so you're going to have to take them with you.

Thanks Ally!


Today I'm giving away a pre-order of Matched. A FABULOUS book! That's right, you can be guaranteed to own this AMAZING dystopian novel in a long-lasting hardcover edition! If there's a local Ally signing at the time (which I can't promise) I'll even get it signed for you. :)

Today's giveaway is being hosted by Sandy over at Pirate Penguin Reads. You MUST be a follower of both me AND Sandy in order to win. Old followers get 2 entries, new get 1 for each blog. So if you're already following me, but just started following Sandy, you'd get 3 entires. Does that make sense? Plus optional bonus entries.



  1. Aww, I love her flower answer. I love calla lilies. The sonnet her husband wrote her sounds soo romantic, especially at a wedding. Lucky her! :)

    And I love her random generator answer, too. Grocery shopping IS the worst! I try to do it as little as possible (but then the little ones complain... :/)

    Great interview! :)

  2. Lol the last plot thingy was awesome.

  3. Thanks for the interview! I love Ally!

  4. I have terrible vision too. Apparently, from what Ally's said, this doesn't bode well for me if I ever have kids. O_O LOL

  5. I love love love Ray Lamontagne. His song Shelter was my wedding song...Beautiful lyrics. Thanks for the interview!

  6. Haha, she's so funny! I loved the bit about the suddenly mortal vampire! Grocery shopping IS the worst! :)

  7. I've been wanting to read Matched for a while now (even since I saw that lovely cover).

    And the interview was lots of fun.


  8. I love fun interviews like this! I can't wait to read 'Matched'.

  9. That last question totally cracked me up. Great interview! Thanks!

  10. Awesome interview.
    Thanks for the giveaway. fun fact: When i win books and i read them I donate them to Middletown Public Library, THey have no funds for new books and they are taking donations. So i hope we win
    Thanks for the chance.

  11. great interview! love that last bit at the end with the vampire :D

  12. I loved her older books she wrote. So excited to read this!!

  13. Love the giveaway! I've been waiting and waiting for the release of this book! I'm so excited to get to read it.

  14. Great interview. I love random questions to help me get to the know the authors.

  15. Awesome interview, great questions!(:

  16. Some great questions here! Love her answer for that random plot generator :)

  17. Thanks for the interview! I'm so excited for the release of MATCHED, and it's great to get to know the author a little. :)

  18. Calla lilies were my wedding flower too. Thanks for a great interview!

  19. awesome questions/interview. The one about the headache/nausea made me laugh. :)

  20. Such a fun interview! I can't wait to read Matched! And the cover is awesome!

  21. Fun interview! The more I read about this book, the more excited I get!

  22. Thanks for hosting! Great interview!
    Please enter me!

  23. I had calla lillies at my wedding as well. They are lovely. I love the colored ones mixed with the white...

    I used to wear glasses/contacts too until I got Lasik done and now I'm glasses-free. TOTALLY worthwhile to do!!

    Thanks for the interview. I have heard lots about the book but it is nice to see more from the author!

  24. Fun interview. I had lasik surgery after my first baby for that very reason! Can't wait to read her book!!

  25. Great interview! She sounds really fun and easy-going. I hate headaches too! And I'm really looking forward to Matched :)

  26. Wow, love those questions. So different from the usual. Yeah I'd have to say headache since I get migranes. XD Her vampire answer was hilarious! Great interview. :D


  27. Ha ha! Grocery shopping with children! That is the worst!
    Our local supermarket has child sized shopping carts, and I hate them, but the kids LOVE them. It's a fight every time we go! Ugh!

    I think I am now more excited, if that's possible, for this book than I was before!

  28. loved the interview questions -- ha ha nausea or headache -- eeew!

    bmcbroom AT gmail DOT com

  29. ahhaahaha that is so funny about her having to take out her contacts!!!



  30. Great interview! I loved the flower question! And the response was really sweet :) I can't wait to read this book!!

  31. I have been itching to read this book! I can't wait for it to come out. I've heard so many great things about it!
    And she seems really nice!
    Put it on Paper

  32. Great questions. I'm really looking forward to this book. Thanks for the insight with the author. :)

  33. I love a creative person who is funny and fast on the response.


    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  34. Love this interview! Thanks for the giveaway :D

    Also don't forget to check out my amazing Charloette Figg Takes Over Paradise giveaway ~ Ends 10/1 and my boogie wipes giveaway ~ Ends 9/29!

    Ashley's Bookshelf

  35. Crying because he has to go grocery shopping? That's awesome.

  36. Grocery shopping really is of the devil. I feel bad for the poor vampire...
    I cant wait to read Matched!
    Put it on Paper

  37. I love her random generator answer - grocery shopping with kids instead of seducing ladies for nourishment. haha!
    Thanks for a fun interview.

  38. I feel you on the vision thing! Though I never thought about having to take them out during labor. Ack! More motivation to have laser surgery before babies... :)

  39. Haha, I like the last question!
    I'm a new follower, can you follow me back?

  40. Matched looks so good! :D And the interview with Ally was awesome. I've been reading her blog for a while now, and she's great. Thanks for the contest!


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