Vote for your favorite upcoming releases!

You know how I feature 2 or 3 upcoming releases per week? Well, I think it would be REALLY good if voted on the ones you want to read. Why? Oh... no reason [that I'm going to tell you], but I think you should.

Here's a reminder of the titles featured so far this month, and links to their posts/polls: VOTE ON THE POLL ON EACH POST, NOT HERE!! and you can certainly vote for more than one. You can vote for all of them! But something special will happen with the book that gets the most votes...

Pam Bachorz

Beth Revis

Cat Clarke

Cynthia Hand

Cameron Stracher

Bree Despain

Stephanie Perkins

Anna Godbersen

Be sure to check back during the month. I'll update this post as I put up the new releases. If you want to own any of these books... well... maybe you should vote. Just sayin'.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2010


  1. Water Wars! Anyone who's ever lived in the desert knows that this is more than a possibility! And, I love a good dystopia.

  2. Anna and the French Kiss is my most wanted on this list!

  3. Tee hee. Thanks y'all for commenting. But be sure to vote on the actual polls (found within each post). It's those I'll be looking at.

    If you've already voted on those, then comment away!

  4. Let's see, I voted for them all, save for The Lost Saint and Unearthly. I just read Unearthly. It was good.

  5. I really want to read them all. But The Water Wars more :D


Thank you so much for commenting! I read each and every one.

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