Author Interview & Giveaway: Wendy Delsol (Stork)

I read Wendy's novel Stork a few weeks ago and I LOVED it! Check out my fun interview with the author, and scroll down for a giveaway of THREE copies of Stork.

My Review of Stork
Wendy's Website
Stork's GoodReads Page

Stork has a lot of Icelandic influences. Why did you choose this as such a prevalent theme in the book?

Once I’d settled on Northern Minnesota for my U.S. location, I decided to go with a Scandinavian community. I picked Iceland because its name and island status evokes a cold and remote environment. Plus, I have a long held fascination with Iceland, maybe because it is so unique. I do want to mention that Norse Falls is an entirely fictional place. To my knowledge, there is no community of Icelandic settlers in Minnesota. Oh, and my human Storks, they’re made up, too :)

How do you feel about the book’s cover?

I adore the cover. For those who don’t know, cover art—like title—is contractually controlled by the publisher. Well, for debut authors it is. (Stork is the original title, in case anyone is curious.) Kate, the designer at Candlewick, nailed Katla. Phew. The model appears to have a wry expression on her face, one that conveys Kat’s spunk and humor.

Would you want to be a Stork?

Good question. It is a big responsibility. And it’s not like you get immortality or anything out of the deal. But, then again, it would be a pretty heady feeling. So, sure, why not? Sign me up.

If you were a Stork, which bird do you think would best represent you?

I was asked a similar question before and I said a green parrot. Parrots are tropical—my ideal climate—and green is my favorite color. Should it be a bird I aspire to, then I’d go with the cooing, peace-loving dove. I’m answering these questions on the ninth anniversary of 911 and wondering why we can’t all just respect one another’s different cultures and beliefs. Hulda, the wise leader of the Storks, does.

What’s next from Wendy Delsol?

Next is an adult novel, The McCloud Home for Wayward Girls, due out with Penguin in August of 2011. Then, in September of 2011, comes Frost, book two in the Stork trilogy. In addition to editing those two novels, I’ll be writing the third—and as yet untitled—book in Katla and Jack’s adventures this winter.

If you could visit/live in any country in the world, which would it be and how long would you stay?

Having spent two years now researching Iceland and Norse lore, I’d love to go there. By all accounts, it and Greenland should trade names. The people are known for their individualist spirit and friendliness. For now, with two teen boys, two weeks is about the longest trip we can manage. When they’re in college, I’d love to settle in and get to know a place. My parents were both born and raised in England. I’d just love to spend more time in London or one of the quaint English villages.

Do you like super-spicy food?

A food question. Lucky me. No, I do not like super-spicy food. In fact, there is a long list of food items I don’t like. Garlic and cilantro top the list. (I blame my English genes.) Overall, I’m an entirely unadventurous eater. Let’s theorize that I exhaust my allotment of adventure-going and risk-taking on my stories.

What’s your favorite scent?

Love, love, love anything lemon. Lemon bars, lemon verbena soap, chicken piccata, and I’ve been known to sip the occasional lemon drop martini. I’ve always said my ideal house would have a lemon tree in the yard.

Milk, soda, or water? Any specific type?

Milk. 2%. I drink very little soda, less than ten a year, I’d guess. I’m not someone to drink buckets of water, either. I do drink two coffees (with heated milk) in the morning and have cereal with milk for breakfast every day. In the afternoons, I sometimes have tea (usually decaf or herbal).

Finally, some fun from the random plot generator!

You’re writing a story in the wild west. You have three choices of characters: a macho panhandler, a German priest/nun, and a young member of a group of bandits. Who is the antagonist, who is the protagonist, and what role does the third character play?

The random plot generator? Who is this wicked being? Well, I’ve determined (after an abandoned middle grade project) that I write best from a female perspective. My protag, therefore, is going to be a teen girl who has grown up a member of said bandits. It would be a challenge to make her like able while writing scenes in which she, and her gang, engage in acts of banditry. It would be interesting to have the antagonist be a priest. It would have to be handled delicately, and maybe as a surprise element. That leaves the macho panhandler. It merits asking where his macho confidence comes from given he’s reduced to begging. There’s potential for real back story there. And for a possible love story with my heart-of-gold thief!


Today is the last day to enter my giveaway of The Scorch Trials and I would hate to go a day without a giveaway, so here's a new one!

You have a chance to win 1 of THREE finished copies of Stork!
Open to US only.

Thanks to Candlewick Press for providing these copies!

I'm breaking this giveaway into 2 different giveaways.

You may enter BOTH giveaways.

Both giveaways end 10/11 at 9:59pm MST

No Bonus Entries

In this giveaway I'll be giving away one copy of stork to one random person. No bonus entries here. Just enter your name and e-mail.

Optional Bonus Entries

In this giveaway I'll be giving away two copies of stork to two different people. Optional bonus entries here. LOTS of bonus entries. See form for details.

My hope in doing this is that people who just want to enter the giveaway quickly can do so with #1, but people who REALLY want to go the extra mile to win can enter giveaway #2.

Go forth and WIN!


  1. Thanks for another great interview! I hadn't heard of Wendy or Stork, and I love the cover.

  2. Awesome interview! This one looks like another good one to add to my tbr pile!

  3. I love reading your interviews. They make me see the author in a whole new way. I've been seeing this book around and really wanting to read it, so thanks for featuring!

  4. Oooh, now we have Frost to look for in September! I can't wait! Great questions---mmm, i love lemon scented things too!

  5. Thanks for the interview! I haven't heard much about this book, but it sounds interesting! :)

    Thanks for the giveaway as well!

  6. I don't like super spicy food either! Would love to read this book!

  7. Add me to those who don't like spicy foods. Lovely interview. ^^


  8. Loved the interview :) I wanna read this so badly!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Good interview. I like the plot of Stork it seems refreshing from all the paranormal stories we have now.
    I also love Lemon.

  10. Great interview, the book looks really good!(:

  11. I just heard about this book last week. I really can't wait to read it! Awesome interview! :)

  12. Macho Panhandler... I laugh! And who doesn't love hardcore female bandits?!

    This was an interesting interview! Thanks!

  13. Thanks for an awesome interview!

  14. What a great cover! That alone caught my eye but it sounds like a fun read. It's fun to hear more about authors so they seem more real- makes the books more interesting.

  15. Don't really like the cover, but I guess I'd give it a try!

  16. Love your interview questions! Favorite smell? Lemon makes me hungry!

  17. awesome interview!! and good for you for not drinking soda!!

  18. Lovely interview. Some really unique & fun questions. Thanks!

  19. Great interview.i love lemon scented things too, especially lemon and coconut :)

  20. Thanks for interviewing-- I like the tropical bird answer.

  21. What a fun interview. Can't wait to read this book:)

  22. Thanks for the great interview. I need to read her books!

  23. The random plot generator questions crack me up everytime! Great interview :D

  24. Great interview. Stork sounds very interesting. :)

  25. This was the first that I heard of Stork. The story sounds very interesting!

  26. Great interview! I love knowing more about authors. It's fun! I've been looking forward to reading Stork!

  27. I love author interviews. They are always fun. This book sounds really good and I can't wait to read it!

  28. Thanks for a great interview!!! This book has been on my list to read.

  29. Great questions for the interview!

    lag110 at mchsi dot com


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