**Under the Never Sky-- Veronica Rossi

Release Date: January 3rd, 2012
Genre:  Dystopia, Fantasy, Romance
Publisher: Harper Collins
Pages: 384
Amazon Link*: Click here
Goodreads Page: Click here
Aria is a teenager in the enclosed city of Reverie. Like all Dwellers, she spends her time with friends in virtual environments, called Realms, accessed through an eyepiece called a Smarteye. Aria enjoys the Realms and the easy life in Reverie. When she is forced out of the pod for a crime she did not commit, she believes her death is imminent. The outside world is known as The Death Shop, with danger in every direction.

As an Outsider, Perry has always known hunger, vicious predators, and violent energy storms from the swirling electrified atmosphere called the Aether. A bit of an outcast even among his hunting tribe, Perry withstands these daily tests with his exceptional abilities, as he is gifted with powerful senses that enable him to scent danger, food and even human emotions.

They come together reluctantly, for Aria must depend on Perry, whom she considers a barbarian, to help her get back to Reverie, while Perry needs Aria to help unravel the mystery of his beloved nephew’s abduction by the Dwellers. Together they embark on a journey challenged as much by their prejudices as by encounters with cannibals and wolves. But to their surprise, Aria and Perry forge an unlikely love - one that will forever change the fate of all who live under the never sky.
Blurb: A perfect balance of action, intrigue, and romance. Simply magical.

Review: This book is something magical. Unlike most paranormal romances now where two people automatically love each other and we read 300 pages of them and their issues, in this book you get to watch two people FALL in love. Really fall in love. And in the meantime we get to see a wonderfully rich and detailed world, experience heart racing adventures, and go through heartbreaking tragedies.

This book perfectly balances action and intrigue, love and plot. I found myself on the edge of my seat at some parts, and melting into a puddle at others. She's been able to mix the romance into the story in such a way that the storyline is still pure. There are no cheap shots or "oh geez" moments.

About 90% into this book I was thinking, "Wow! This is such an amazing action story!"

At 100% I had tears in my eyes and thought, "Wow. What an amazing love story."

Now I'm just thinking, "Wow. What an amazing book."

If you'd like to see a review of someone who DIDN'T like this book, check it out here: Emily's Reading Room. She has some really valid points about things that usually bug me, but didn't in this book. So check it out!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011

*I am an amazon affiliate. If you purchase this book using my link, I will get a tiny fraction of the purchase, which goes toward contests.


  1. I was surprised by how amazing this book was, not because I didn't think it had potential, it just really caught me off guard. I agree too, the love story between the characters was so beautiful.

  2. *scratches head* How could we with such similar reading taste have seen this book so differently?

  3. LOL at Emily's comment.

    While this is certainly an encouraging review. We haven't been too interested in this book, but you're starting to make us doubt ourselves. :P

  4. I'm so glad you loved this book! I thought it was fantastic and I'm eagerly awaiting the next!

    The Musings of ALMYBNENR

  5. I can't wait to read this book! its been on my TBR forever. I've been eagerly looking forward to it and can't wait till I get my copy! Glad you liked it :)

    Mackenzie @ Oh, For the Love of Books!

  6. I'm so glad to hear that the reader actually gets to watch the characters fall in love! I've grown so tired of the instant love, I do want to watch characters slowly build a relationship.

    Thanks for the great review I can't wait to read this one for all the elements and a great romance. :)

  7. I just got this book and I can't wait to read it especially after reading your review! I'm normally not into romance stuff but it sounds like this book did it right. And thanks for sharing the negative review. I always love to hear two different opinions on these kinds of things. :)

  8. this is also a book one I believe with a second book on the way

  9. Yay!! I'm so glad you loved it too!! And I'm beginning to question Emily's sanity....haha :P

  10. I loved the fact that there was no insta love but I couldn't really connect with Aria! I loved Perry though!!

    Krazyyme @ Young Readers

  11. I've read both your and Emily's reviews for this one, and still remain on the fence. While the premise looks really interesting, I've read several reviews that said the characters fail to live up to it. So I might still look into this one, but I'll be working on getting through my TBR pile first.


  12. Oh I'm so happy to hear that not only was it wonderful, but that it stayed away from insta-love!

  13. This sounds like JUST the kind of book I've been waiting for. Now I'm off to Emily's (*waves*) to see what she thought. This is super interesting because I follow both of you so well.

  14. The story is told in the point of views of Aria and Perry. They go hand in hand in telling their part in their journey. Never missing a step from each other and not having you skip a beat on what's going on. Veronica Rossi has done a fine job in getting you in the mindset of 'Under The Never Sky'.


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