Do you hate embedded comments as much as I do?

EDIT: Apparently custom blog designs need to do an extra step in order to get threaded comments (Click here for instructions) and when I do it it makes my fonts and format go wackado. So until this issue is fixed, I'll be going without threaded comments.

So, some of you may not know that blogger now does threaded comments! This means that we can reply to individual comments. Cool eh? And ABOUT TIME! But here's the thing, it requires embedded comments, which look like this:

I've always HATED embedded comments. They're so buggy. But is it worth having embedded comments in order to be able to reply to individual comments? I want your opinion. PLEASE let me know either in the comments or just by answering this poll:

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. I've had blogs that refused to let the embedded comments work.

    I don't mind them otherwise. & I'm glad they FINALLY have a reply feature.

  2. And this is one of the many reasons I use WordPress.

  3. I honestly don't know. Embeded comments are a pain, but at the same time it is nice to get a reply to comments.

  4. I'm so mad because no matter how I change my settings I can not get the dang thing to work. I know that doesn't have to do anything with your post, but I had to vent to SOMEONE!

  5. I haven't even seen this feature so I can't even give my opinion on the matter. I still prefer IntenseDebate and some other commenting systems out there (outside of Blogger).

  6. how do you get that? because I always feel bad when I cant reply to comments because I feel like I'm ignoring my readers and I'm not I just don't know anyway to reply

  7. Is my input at all helpful if I say "What are embedded comments?" :) Otherwise, I think it's nice if you can reply to comments. It makes reading the comments section easier plus it's nice to get a notice when someone replies to you.

  8. I haven't used the embedded feature before because I've been told some people weren't able to comment. BUT, I'm so excited about threaded comments that I overlooked that and switched my settings. I hope that maybe they've, in the process, fixed the bug that made it so some couldn't comment. I hope I hope.

  9. I don't think it's the embedded thing that people don't like it's the captcha codes and Google log in. I have my embedded comments set so you can comment using name and url without having to log in to anything and I switched my captcha code off. Spam comments are extremely rare for me so it's not been a problem at all.

  10. This is unrelated, but I went to Joseph-Beth today and bought Matched, A Million Suns, and the Monstrumologist. I'm so excited to read them, thanks to your reviews :)

  11. You know, we had embedded comments at first and they didn't work for several readers, so we're pretty hesitant to put them back. And we haven't really found comment threads to be that essential… But I guess if you had a lot of people trying to reply to each other it might be worth it.

  12. I've always had embedded comments. I personally like them and have never had a problem. I actually don't like bloggers other options for commenting.

    It's up to you though!

  13. The embedded comments are refusing to let me use Open ID at the moment so I am not happy with that. It is very frustrating

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  14. You don't like embedded comments? I've always liked them a lot more than non-embedded ones. It seems like embedded ones are just easier for the commenter. Or at least that's how I've always felt about it. :)


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