In My Mail... or not-- a documentary of my books

Video is pretty self explanatory.

I'm now off to organize those books so I can move them into the shelves quickly. I'm excited and nervous.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. Good grief, Ennalee. You should take out an insurance policy for all those books.

  2. Holy crap! I thought I had a lot of books! LOL Enjoy your new bookshelves! :D

  3. Whoah, I never realized how many books you had, and how little space! I'm excited for you!

    I also noticed an AWFUL LOT of Shannon Hale books floating around... ;)

  4. Debbie,

    Well, I'm pretty sure I have every edition of ALL of her books that are in English. And I'm working on the other languages. :)

  5. Wow. That is more than a lot of books! And I'm told I have too many! Yeah right! :)

    My IMM goes up tomorrow morning, be sure to stop by!

    Old Follower
    Jessica@a GREAT read

  6. Whoa. My mom would flip if she saw that I had that many books! I have nothing in comparison to you xD

    I can't wait to see your bookshelves!

  7. wow. How can you afford to buy so many books and still go to college? Haha I haven't been able to buy new books very often since I went to university. You have so many books!

  8. Wow! I'm looking forward to seeing your video of your new bookshelves :D And to think people our age have even MORE books than that... insane!

  9. Oh my freaking gosh you have SO MANY books! Thats CWAZY!!! Haha. You should do a bookshelf tour once you get the bookshelves put in! :)

  10. Do we get a video of the new shelves? I got IKEA shelves just over a year ago and it was a blast! Love seeing your piles of books... they all look like familiar friends!

  11. oh gawd!!!! i gasped when your books fell. awesome amount of books though :)

  12. Wow, I can see why you want more bookshelves!! Impressed by your creative use of book storage though, especially that ottoman :D

  13. Wow you have sooooo many books. It would be fun to put them on shelves though.

  14. Wow.
    Lots and lots of books. I hope you get some awesome shelves :D

    and p.s. I really like the song you used for that video.

  15. Holy Smokes girl! That is an incredible collection! Maybe you should start your own library?!

  16. One can NEVER have enough books!

  17. What do you do when you want to go away for a holiday? Unpack the suitcases? :)

    Very cool collection. It is a private library. Wish I have that many! Good luck with the new shelves.

  18. Misty,

    I don't actually use that suitcase. It's old. My suitcases are bright pink and green. :)

    Not that I go on many holidays...

  19. Oh wow, you have a lot of books! I am impressed. I'm very happy for your books in regards to their soon to be home.

    Also, that ottoman? I think I might get one like that when I go to graduate school so I can copy you :)


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