Contest Craze- Win a box of ARCs!

I'm delighted to be hosting a contest as part of Princess Bookie's Contest Craze! I loved contest craze last fall, and I'm SOOO excited for this one. What can you win here? A whole BOX of ARCs! In this box are 10-12 ARCs from 2010 & 2011 and YOU could have them all! Also, I'm currently giving away $100 to the bookseller of your choice (open international!) click here for more details on that.

This giveaway is pretty simple, check out the deets:

  • Must be a follower. New or old, doesn't matter.
  • Must have a US shipping address (So Puerto Rico, etc. works)
  • Must be 13 or older
  • Must fill out the form
Extra Entries:
  • (+1) Tell me how you found this contest (as part of form)
  • (+3) Comment on this post with your perfect bookshelves. Pictures welcome!
Additional information:
  • Giveaway runs 3/26 - 4/7 at 7:59 MDT
  • Winner announced 4/8
  • Contest Craze begins 4/9

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. My perfect bookshelf would be much more organized than my current bookshelves:) What I really want- as I'm sure everyone would agree- is a library, or reading room, with high ceilings, and bookshelves up to the top with a sliding ladder.

  2. My perfect bookshelves would probably be ones that are built into the wall, with all the books that I have though I would need a whole room where every wall is a bookshelf. Then I would have room in my living space for other stuff too.

  3. My perfect bookshelves would take up an entire wall (or 2 or 3). Floor to ceiling - not too deep. A nice dark rich color....yeah :)

  4. Ah, my perfect bookshelf. It would be a dream. LOL. I would have all the books I've ever wanted o them. Organized properly of course. LOL.

  5. I wish I had those amazing high bookshelves built into the wall...or a whole library/study with an antique desk. Ah, to dream of it!

    Amy // artsyrockerchick at aim dot com

  6. My perfect bookshelves are like those in Beauty and the Beast; every since I've seen that, it's how I always imagined the perfect library (picture can be seen here.

  7. I can't really think of one perfect bookshelf for myself. I'm a huge fan of older/crazy-looking bookshelves, and I would prefer to have a lot of smaller ones, rather than one big, wall-sized one. All I can say for sure is that my perfect bookshelf would have way too many books (as if it's even possible to have too many!).

  8. I would really love this bookshelf just bigger to fit more books.

  9. I have kids, so my books are always piled on helter-skelter. However, I'm glad the kids love books. I don't think I'd mess with that.

  10. My perfect bookshelves would be something large and grand that was in my entry way so it is the first thing you would see. I would want the bottom to have picture books for kids and the top to house all my signed YAs. I can only dream....


  11. My perfect bookshelf would be floor-to-ceiling built-ins. They would be built into the wonderful 8-foot nook in my living room and organized by genre.

  12. My perfect bookshelf would be a room full of bookshelves! And it would have every book I'd ever read on it.

  13. perfect bookshelf is full of dystopians and scifis..mainly YA!! and of course it has to have HP and twilight series, along with some good zombie novels! =]

  14. My perfect bookshelves would literally be mountains of books to the left of me and mountains on the right. If I ever actually got them onto the tall as the 20 foot ceilings in my house, I probably wouldn't be able to reach them. Would need the ladder with the track to roll myself around. :)

    Dana @ Dana's YA Bookpile

  15. Love auto check! 20 foot tall walls...with shelves. :)

  16. I'd love a full wall of built-in bookshelves. I think I'd want to organize and alphabetize it but I've seen some beautiful pics of books organized by color.

  17. Well, I'm extremely picky. I would want a shelf that's big enough for all of my books to get their own space. I have a problem of just stuffing them all together stacked on top of each other. They all need to be able to get recognition. Plus, one that has a built in bed/chair would be great. I haven't seen very comfortable ones otherwise I would post a pic of that.
    However, in my pic search I stumbled across this...

    How is that not perfect?! lol

  18. My perfect bookshelf would me filled with all of the books I ever dreamed of owning.

  19. My perfect bookshelves would be built-ins from top to bottom in a large room with a fireplace and comfy, cushy chairs. And perhaps a mini-bar.

  20. I would need a whole WALL for my perfect bookshelves! Preferably with one of those rolling ladders like in Beauty and the Beast :)

  21. My perfect book shelf would have every book I've every read and loved.

  22. My perfect bookshelves would be in a separate library, filling all the walls.
    lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com

  23. I would love this bookshelf ( to put my books ( Told you I didn't have much! LOL

  24. My perfect bookshelf would be many in my own library. I really need one, but I only have a small apartment right now. When I have my home, I will get my perfect bookshelf filled with all my favorite books! They'll be the big types, floor to ceiling with a ladder and everything. :)

  25. Oh.. my perfect bookshelves would be in my very own library with floor to ceiling bookcases, a couple comfy chairs, a fire place and large windows to let the light in. My very own haven to enjoy reading in.

  26. Instead of a bay window I would have a bookshelf and seat. Easy access. :) I really like my bookshelves that I have now. It is half a wall with different sized cubbies that I made myself. It's going to need to grow soon though.
    Thanks for the contest!!

  27. I own my perfect bookshelves! My husband built them with his bare hands which makes them really special for me and he wanted them to be perfect. He put gorgeous trim around them and painted them black. I just need a beautiful bay window and my perfect library would be complete.

  28. Lol remember the movie Beauty and the Beast, yeah I want that library of books. :) Doesn't everyone though?

  29. I so need a library. I try to get rid of books but then when I do they haunt me and I want them back. What can I do? I need a room full of shelves! :)

  30. My pefect bookshelf would have all my favourite books and ALL the books I have ever wanted to own/read. IT would be huge with tiny trinkets like photo frames and lil toys on it for decoration. It would be built in the walls with a sliding ladder, and there would be a whole part dedicated to signed books :D

  31. My perfect bookshelf...hmmm. Well, it would just be nice to have a bookshelf. Right now, my books are kind of just all over. My TBR pile is scattered all over the headboard of my bed. I would love to have any kind of bookshelf, but really I would love to have a library or reading room where I would have wall to wall books and I could just go in there and curl up with a good book and not be disturbed.

  32. My perfect bookshelf will be in a especial roon for reading en my home (i don't roon Righthat have that room righy now) and will be modern I have seen on tha look like brances of a tree and love it.

  33. My perfect shelves right now would just be having them. I only have one book shelf, and it's not even close to enough, but I don't have the space for more now. :(

  34. My perfect bookshelves would be floor to ceiling cube shelves covering all available wall space in a room. I would have a ton of signed books and maybe even throw in some rare books! I would also want a bay window with a super comfortable cushiony seat! I would practically live in that room, haha!

  35. My perfect bookshelf would take up my entire bedroom. I would love to go to sleep every night in a library.

  36. My perfect bookshelves would take up a whole room. Like my own library. The shelves would be black on the outside and patterned on the inside, newspaper, flower print, sebra print, each one different. And FILLED with books :)

  37. My perfect bookshelves would be built into the wall and take up at least 2 walls of my "library" a perfect world. They would also be organized by to read, favorites, and series.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. My perfect bookshelves would take up a whole room and be made out of dark wood...and too much to go into datail about. ^_^

  39. My perfect book shelf would be a whole library in my house!!! Walls full of books and sliding ladders book posters and swat on walls. It would include the books I would ever want!!

    heres a pik

  40. My perfect bookshelves would cover the whole wall and there would be a sliding ladder so I can access all of them. Pretty much like every book lover out there :)

  41. My perfect bookshelf would be MASSIVE and have a cutout in the middle with a comfoy seat. It would be placed so that a window would be right behind the comfy cutout seat, and there would be no back so I could liwe on it sideways and look out the window. Make sense? I had a picture somewhere but lost the link...
    I actually did a post on super cool bookshelfs! Check it out!

    Oh, and the bookshelf would be light blue with a glossy finish!

  42. Oh gosh just one that would fit all my books!!! Haha. Okay probably like a room with wall to wall bookshelves and then one of the bookshelves has a chair built into it or something. That way I can sit there and read right amongst all the books. That would be amazing. :)

  43. The perfect bookshelves would be built-in. Each book would also have a built-in GPS chip for when I misplace the book. There's a comfortable old La-Z-boy; a quilt to cover my lap my cat purring on my lap as well.
    It isn't the bookshelf as much as the enviornment, and I already live in that environment (no GPS chip though). Lucky me.
    Betty bmcbroom @ gmail

  44. My perfect bookshelf would be amazingly endless, with books ordered alphabetically by hardcovers and paperbacks. I'd like to have a Beauty & the Beast library, in the perfect world. :)

  45. My perfect bookshelf would be organized by color and absolutely endless :)

  46. I have three bookshelves right now and my favorite/perfect one is the one where the books on each shelf are all the exact same height. It's beautiful.

  47. My perfect bookshelf will have a window seat and , the books will go over and around the chair like a wildly overgrown tree. It will be the perfect space to read, sleep, or think.

  48. My perfect bookshelf would be a much bigger one than the one I have right now. I'd have a lot more books on it too and it would be more organized.

  49. My perfect bookshelf would be organized and gigantic. I feel like if I could, I would have a Beauty and the Beast size library. But maybe a bit more modern. I love oddly shaped book shelves. :)

  50. I've always wanted a library like they have in great English estates. They are beautiful and filled with books.

  51. I never really thought about my perfect bookshelf so much as my dream library in my big mansion when I win the lottery. But I think it would like this -


  52. My perfect bookshelves would be any shelves stocked with all my favorite hardcover. (But if I had to pick the shelves, I'd go with a beautiful, dark wood and they'd be built-in with adjustable shelves to accommodate all sizes of books.)

  53. My perfect bookshelf? As in only one? I'd want a very sturdy bookshelf with all kinds of different books. And all with happy endings.

  54. my perfect book shelf would be kind of like this one but with Dark wood I'm not sure if i would want it to be in my room (if i had a room big enough for it lol) or if i would want it on a library kind of office. Possibly i would want both so i could have even more books some where i could have them organized by genre if not by author or some sort of organization i liked so that what my perfect book shelf would be like lol

    as always ♥, Carol

  55. My perfect bookshelves have ALL my books in alphabetical order by author
    and they have all been double checked on my Readerwear inventory. As this is something I'm working on in my new office, hopefully I will have pics later on. Now, if the phone would quite ringing and my hubby didn't really expect to eat once in awhile I might get done (or least further down the road)

    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  56. My perfect bookshelf would be in my library (if it ever, ever gets done) I have a dome room - 704 sq ft. and am trying to cover it with shelves to hold all my lovely books. I am hoping they will one day be out of the boxes and on the shelves alphabetically by author last name. Thank goodness for some day...

  57. My Perfect bookshelf would have some where for me to sit while reading so I think this one will be for me since it is pink as well.

    I would also like something like this one

    Samantha Jo @ YA Enthusiast

  58. My perfect bookshelf would take up a whole wall and have all the books i wanted organized properly

  59. I'd like to have a modern designed bookshelf with stacks of books filled up.
    the bookshelves must be anywhere in my house in order that I can snap any books wherever I go :D

  60. kallosmango123@hotmail.comMarch 27, 2011 at 10:00 AM

    To me the perfect bookshelf would be built into the was, ceiling high. Organized by author and color; because I'm OCD like that.

  61. I wouldn't care what my perfect bookshelf looked like, I would just want it loaded with millions of books to read.

  62. I wish I knew what my "perfect" shelves would look like, but I'm pretty sure it would just be walls and walls of bookshelves (the huge, ceiling-to-floor kind they have at Ikea) in a room that is ALL BOOKS. A library room.


    And the books would be organized by genre and size (like they are now). Alphabetical is nice but I'm a bit crazy when it comes to books of different sizes being next to each other.

  63. My most perfect library would be in my house, on the top floor, like a tower room - with a huge skylight and book shelves wrapped around all four walls, underneath the windows.

    I got the idea from this video, when my fiance and I were looking for places, together.

    But instead of just the windows, I'd like it to be a little bigger (wider), and for the bookshelves to be up to waist-level, wrapped around the walls, like the windows but starting from underneath the windows. (I hope that makes sense).

    Currently, my favorite bookshelves/reading area is at our "River Condo" in a little town called Guerneville,CA right next to the "Russian River". Here's a few pictures of the place.

    This is the loft area at the top of the condo where I love to sit and read,its very small but very cozy:

    And this is the bookshelf coming up from the entrance to the main/living area which holds some of our favorite books:

    Thank you for this amazing giveaway opportunity - would love to get my hands on new books! :) Hope you like the shelves!

    Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
    Twitter: @inluvwithbookz

  64. I may be a bit old fashioned but I have always wanted bookshelves tall enough that I would need one of those sliding ladders to reach the top. Then I could have a bay window with a window seat, preferably looking over some beautiful scenery.

  65. My perfect bookshelves would be big enough to hold all my books, with room for more. I would be able to organize them according to genre, author, then series. :) And they would be somewhere in my house where I could sit and gaze at them when I needed to... Looking at my books calms me. :)
    Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  66. My perfect bookshelf would be one where all my books are organized by height and by hard back or paperback and by favorite. Also, i would add decorations such as a picture frame of me and my dogs or something else that describes the person I am. Also, I really want one that is built into my all.

  67. My perfect bookshelves would be housed in a room with high ceilings and the shelves would be floor to ceiling--built-in, of course--and the highest shelves would have to be accessed by one of those rolling ladders. A girl can dream, right? For now, I'll be happy with my wall to wall bookshelves (not built-in) which house my library of 3000+ books!

  68. My perfect bookshelf would be a handcrafted one, that fills up one whole wall will all my books in alphabetical order.

  69. Well, my perfect bookshelf would have to be organized. I would like a dark finsh, maybe cherry or black, with sections so that it's not one long continous shelf. However, I do love the image of the floor to ceiling bookshelf with the sliding ladder!

  70. My perfect bookshelf is the billy bookcase with glass doors ( in a dark brown/black color. I like that my books wouldn't get dusty but I'd still be able to put them on display. A floor to ceiling bookcase arranged by color looks fantastic ( It's such pretty eye candy. I'd also love a tree bookshelf even though it looks like it belongs in a child's room ( I think it's uber cute. :)

  71. My perfect bookshelf would be along the wall, the top part of it. That way, I can utilize space, without wasting other space. Although, I would be a little afraid of the whole thing breaking and falling on my head... ouch :D

  72. My perfect bookshelf is big, floor to ceiling, covers an entire wall and has all the books sorted by color.

  73. My perfect bookshelf would cover an entire wall and have one of those neat rolling ladders to get the books on the top shelf.

  74. My perfect bookshelf would be like the entire walls of my house... hahaha actually that might drive me insane xD But I would definitely have one of those sliding ladder things Belle has in Beauty and the Beast lol

  75. Ever since I was a little girl I always imagined having a room full of bookshelves identical to the library in Beauty and The Beast!!!

    That is my very unrealistic perfect bookshelf, but hey... a girl can dream!!

  76. My perfect bookshelf would be one that wraps around the whole room. I would love to have one like this:

  77. My perfect bookshelf would be a wall to wall up to the ceiling and down to the floor shelves. I'd need one of those fantastic sliding ladders that I could be up on when my honey walks in the room and startles me. I would fall squealing into his arms :) Just sayin'....


  78. My perfect bookshelves would be recessed into two walls of a large library, from floor to ceiling. The third wall would be all windows, and the fourth for french doors :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

  79. My perfect bookshelf is more like the perfect room. I want an entire room with wall to wall bookshelves, that way I don't have to worry about running out of room. I want to have a bay window too that is surrounded by books on both sides...something similar to this, but better. I don't think I'd ever leave that room.

  80. Everybody has such wonderful ideas!

    I'd really like some old or antique looking wooden bookshelves. Something heavy, durable, but a little distressed. I wouldn't want them built into the wall because I would be afraid that I would have to leave them behind. But, I would like them in a room strictly for reading.
    I also want a shelf dedicated to Harry Potter!

  81. My perfect book shelf would be like the library in Beauty and the Beast. High roof, huge windows, fire place, floor to ceiling book shelf's lining the walls with ladders and stairs.

  82. My perfect bookshelf is tall and strong. A built-in, from floor to ceiling. Dark colored and worldly. Something like a beautiful work of art.

  83. My perfect Book Shelf would be wall to wall in my very own library! I want built in and I would paint them white so that all the colors on the books would show better!

  84. My perfect bookshelf would be something that automatically organized itself and was never ending with a place in the the middle that had the perfect spot to read for millions of years! It would also have a never ending supply of YA books!

    -Divya L. (Roshini)

  85. My favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast, and my favorite part of that movie is when he gives her an entire library--so romantic!

    While I would love floor to ceiling bookshelves, I also like ones that are more on the artistic side, like this one:

    and this one:

    and this one I think is clever and made me laugh:

  86. My perfect bookshelf would be one of those awesome library rooms, where you need the moveable ladder to reach the second level. With comfy couches and a window seat to read on.

  87. If only - The Library at the Biltmore Estate in Ashville, NC...

  88. My ideal bookshelves would be a whole room a library with builts in and great light. really we would fill them up quick!

  89. My perfect "bookshelf" would be an entire room, bookshelves wall-to-wall completely full of YA books. If possible, every single one would be in hardcover. The perfect lighting, a nice comfortable recliner/chair... I would never leave!

  90. My perfect bookshelves would just be LOTS OF THEM. Haha. I would love to have a big huge library full of books in my house with one of those nifty sliding ladders.


  91. My perfect bookshelf includes floor to ceiling shelves that are built into the wall. I want a whole room like this! I currently have the next best thing--a room with 4 large wooden bookshelves that are filled with books! :)

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  92. My perfect book shelf would be a room with many many a library! The bookshelves would be that nice wood color. The shelves will be full of YA books and some of my favorite picture books :D I'd have a shelf of books to read before shelving and and inside this room full of bookshelves will have a little "basket" of bookmarks :)

  93. My perfect bookshelf would be more than a an entire library. :P

    I've always wanted an entire room or a walk-in closet to make into a library. Shelves to the ceiling with a sliding ladder would be a dream come true.

    Thanks for the awesome contest!

  94. Books are my life I love them!!
    So my perfect bookshelves would be white and the shelves would cover all the walls in my library which would have a window nook where I could sit down and read any of my books. Of course the shelves would actually be organized unlike my current ones and would contain all the books I love.

  95. Perfect bookshelf? One big enough to hold all the books I've ever read or wanted. Man, that would have to be one BIG bookshelf.

    Linda @ Most Important Letter

  96. All of Cassie Clare's, P.C. Cast, Rick Riodin, Ted Dekker's books. Plus have all of the Buffy/Angel books/graphic novels.

  97. For me the perfect bookshelves are ones that are used - that books come and go. Nothing makes me sadder than a bookshelf full of books that are never read!

    But in looks I'd love a room that every wall is a bookshelf. So you walk in and it's wall-to-wall shelves :)

  98. Yeah I'm going to have to say my dream bookshelves/library would be similar to the one straight out of Beauty and the Beast. lol. Thanks for the amazing giveaway!


  99. I want an entire huge room of pretty white built in bookcases. Not too tall...since I'm short.... I would organize them by genre....YA / Fiction/ NonFiction and then alphabetically by author!...

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