Want tickets to Fierce Reads?

So last week I reviewed the Fierce Reads books. If you missed them, here they are. Click the title to go to the review:

These are some AWESOME titles, folks. And I have some GREAT news for people in Utah! These lovely ladies are coming to our state, twice! If you would like a ticket to the Provo event, I will get one for you. You just have to fill out this form with your name! I can only get 8 tickets (including one for me) so act fast! This is NOT something you'll want to miss.

I hope you all are enjoying your day of remembrance!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. Are there a limited number of tickets to this event? Also, how much do the tickets cost?

  2. Tickets are free, but there are a limited amount. I'm not sure how many.

  3. You've been tagged! :) http://ramblingsofeliza.blogspot.com/2012/05/ive-been-tagged.html

  4. *disgruntled mumbling* Why couldn't they wait a couple weeks to visit? Then I could partake in the fun. I really want to mean Leigh Bardugo. *serious frown*

  5. I'm going to be there! How fun! I don't know many Utah bloggers. :)

    - Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl


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