Anyone interested in a create-a-cover contest?

I'm feeling inspired. I love making fake covers for books. For example, Jodi Meadows is having a create-the-cover contest for the sequel of her book Incarnate (which I loved). I was too late to enter officially, but I was inspired to create this:

Isn't that fun?! (and yes. I'm so ridiculously proud of it that I water-marked it. So there)

And so, I want to have a create-a-cover contest. I'd like the focus to be sequels, preferablly those without covers (like Incarnate 2, Days of Blood and Starlight, Shades of Earth, Everbound, etc.).

BUT, I'm aware that making these covers takes a lot of time. So my question to you is:

What prize do you think is worthy of a create-the cover contest?

I'm thinking a pre-order of whatever book you create, and any previous books in paperback. Eh?


All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012

EDIT: I polished up the cover for a contest (which I won!) here it is:


  1. I would love a create-a-cover contest. Although my own photoshopping skills might need some brushing up before I attempt to create a cover of my own, I always love seeing other people's alternate covers. The Matched create-a-cover contest from a while back was awesome. And yes, I think your suggestion for a prize would be perfect.

  2. What a strange coincidence! I'm gonna be hosting a create-a-cover challenge for a read-a-thon tomorrow! I wish I'd thought of including a giveaway. Well, have fun! I think the prizes you've picked would be great!
    (Oh, and your Incarnate 2 cover kicks butt!)

    ~Debz @ Debz Bookshelf

  3. Sounds fun. A pre-order is a great prize for this. I may partake in this! hehe:)

  4. No idea about prizes .... but wanted to say your cover is SO COOL!!!

  5. Great idea! I have never actually created a book cover but I think it looks pretty fun! By the way, I love your cover.


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