Template Trial-Run

Well, I had a lot of conflicting responses to my "should I change my template" post. Therefore, I have decided to put the possible new template on a trial run. Those of you visiting the site directly will notice that it looks quite different. It still has the same basic color palette, and the same nav buttons, but other than that... mucho chango-d.

I'll be keeping this layout up for a week, and then next Monday I will ask you all what you thought. If I get more people who say "yay!" the new layout will stay. But if people say "no!" the new layout must go.

Tee hee. I'm feeling pretty clever right now.

Anyway. What are some first impressions? Love it? Hate it?

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. I like it, but I like the original better. This one feels a little too... boxy. I liked the more ambiguous lines of the other template better. Don't know if that makes sense, but there it is. This is nice, but the other is nicer! :)

  2. I like this layout! It makes the recent content center stage but it is easy to find anything else you might want to look at. It still has the feel of the other layout but it is more streamlined.

  3. I love this layout! It's still really unique, but I think it looks better.

  4. I like it....kinda.... its... different. But i definitely say "no!", cuz it must go. (^_-)

    This one is so... symmetrical, its annoying. I agree with Ashley that its too "boxy". haha

  5. I like this one; I think if it had a solid orange frame rather than polka dots it would work better. It seems busy. :)

    I find it funny that I switch to a double sidebar on one side and then you switch to a double sidebar, one on each side. We timed that well. XD

  6. I really love this one! So much better looking than the old one! :)

  7. ya i like the original better as well.

  8. I say yay! It has the same feel as the last one but I like the more centered look.

  9. It's nice, nothing wrong with it if you do decide to keep it, but I like the old one better :)

  10. I like the old one better; this one kind of gives me a headache.

    Although I think Nicole is right that making the sidebar background solid would help. (And to be honest, I'm a not a fan of three-column layouts with the posts in the middle and a sidebar on each side, so that's probably the biggest reason why I prefer your old layout.)

  11. I LOVE this layout SO SO much!! :)

  12. I like this one, but I like the old one better. It was a little cluttered with the labels/pages of the blog, but other than that i thought it was fine.

  13. This one isn't bad but I like the original better. It made this blog unique because the layout was different. It was one of the first things I noticed. :)

  14. Love it!!! It's more abstract to me than the other one!!! You're REALLY creative!!!

  15. OK maybe not abstract. That was the wrong word...thinking of other things :P trying to multitask LOL :P It's more...ummm...help me out ppl...


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