Possible New Layout

I'm planning on posting an IMM vlog later today, but in the meantime I'd like some more opinions.

I've had a lot of people say they LOVE the layout, and a lot of people say it's cluttered. So I'm searching for a happy medium.

I've been working on a possible new layout this morning and I want some opinions. It isn't finished (obviously) but I'd like to know if you hate it. Because if you do, then I'll stop and save myself some time. *wink*

Just let me know which you prefer, the current layout or the new one.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. I love your current layout! It's quirky and unlike any I've seen before. The new one is a bit generic and makes my old computer work really hard (so I wouldn't be able to visit outside my feed reader). My two cents. :)

  2. I'm kind of torn. I really like the format of your current blog (all posts on the left, all banners & such on the right - it's nice to have it separated down the middle) but the cleaner look (color-wise) of your new one is kind of a breath of fresh air.

  3. I'm kind of torn too. Nothing wrong with the new one, but I like the originality of the old one =)

  4. I like the current layout, but I think the new one looks tidier.

  5. I like them both to be honest. I don't know which one to choose. I like that the new layout carries over some of the old layout. I do like the layout of your new one also.

  6. I love this layout but the new one is definitely more organized.

  7. I like them both.

    The advantage your current one has is its personality and singularity.

    The advantage the other one has is that it really emphasizes the content rather than the sidebars.

    So it really just depends on what YOU want your blog to be about.

  8. I agree with "Q" that the new layout makes the content easier to read...but I like them both. I especially like that you're keeping the same feel if you go to the new one (with color & pattern).

  9. I like the new one only because it's easier to read.

  10. I do like the new one because it puts the blog content in the foreground... I agree with some of the comments, it is more generic, but I think with a cool header it still keeps the original flavour that you have currently.

  11. I like the new one. Cleaner and easier to read.

    However, if you stay with the current one. I'll still check in everyday. Of course.

  12. I really love the new layout! But both are super cute!

  13. I like the current one but I do like the new one a little better. Same awesome colors and style but not as cluttered up top.

  14. i like the current colors better, but i am a sucker for a 3 column blog. good luck deciding! :)

  15. I do love your current layout but I agree with everyone else in that the newer one is a cleaner and more organized.

  16. I love the new one! It's more clean and organized than your current one.

  17. Well, on the survey I said I loved they layout, and I still do. The new one is ok... but I still like the original better. The new 1 is too... symmetrical. haha


  18. I really like the current one. I like the new one; it's simple and organized, but current one makes me want to look around.

  19. I love the current layout. I agree with some of the others that is quirky and fun and the new one is kind of generic. On the other hand, I like how uncluttered and straightforward the new one is. I find it too difficult to decide!

  20. The current layout is quirky and different, but because of that it makes it harder to find things and is too overwhelming for me. I always read your blog within Google Reader because of this. Therefore, I like the new layout SO MUCH BETTER because my brain easily sifts through the information, and because it looks a bit more professional while still having your personality. Just one opinion though!

  21. I like the background and button area of you new layout, but I like the rest of your current layout better. :) Is that clear enough, I know sometimes I can be confusing. :P


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